Dan Rather's Score-Settling Finally Reaches Book Length

In your sadly predictable Wednesday media column: Dan Rather's predictable memoir, Roger Ailes' predictable comments, the predictable financial failure of a quality journalism operation, and the predictably bizarre fallout of a women's magazine uproar.
- Dan Rather's memoir, entitled Summing Up, will be published in 2012. We're pleased to announce that we can now *psychically predict* that the majority of the attention the book receives will be a dissection of its no doubt lengthy score-settling with CBS, rather than anything meaningful.
- Fox News toad monster Roger Ailes is saying things: "We are not interested in savaging [the administration]. We are interested in the truth. We're interested in two points of view; most networks aren't." Some other bullshit, too.
- The Washington Independent, a three year-old nonprofit publication, is folding, due to financial concerns. They'll be missed in DC.
- Shape magazine editor Valerie Latona is leaving after five years, in the wake of—and admittedly, we really don't understand this—some sort of uproar over the fact that she put LeAnn Rimes on the cover after LeAnn Rimes had an affair. SCANDAL. Latona's replacement is Tara Kraft, a former PR woman who's been an editor at Star. And order is restored, in the Shape magazine world, I guess.