
Matt Drudge Launches Black Teen Crime News Service

John Cook · 05/31/11 11:30AM

Good afternoon! How's your Monday going? Curious about what "urban" teenagers were doing over the holiday weekend, and whether you should feel threatened by them and people who share their complexion? Then be sure to check in with the Drudge Report, which has conveniently rounded up a slew of run-of-the-mill summer crime stories that happen to involve black people and suggestively weaved them into a nationwide race riot.

Tina Brown Gives Exact Date That She Will Be Wrong

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/11 01:57PM

In your soaking Tuesday media column: Tina Brown goes out on a limb, journalists are set free in Libya, Dorothy Parvaz is still missing, Greta Van Susteren vs. Mediaite, and the media continue to consume and excrete itself, nonstop.

Matt Drudge Joins Twitter

Adrian Chen · 02/05/11 02:12PM

Matt Drudge, the famously reclusive editor of the Drudge Report, has joined Twitter. And just like that, he goes from running a website with a design from 1998 to a social-networking service that was the hottest thing in 2008.

Revolt of the Elites: Junk-Touching Edition

John Cook · 11/22/10 03:34PM

More Americans think 9/11 was an inside job than oppose naked X-ray screenings at airports. But the ones who oppose the X-rays happen to have access to your televisions and computers, so America is freaking out about the TSA.