The rallying cry for supporters of Arizona's new immigration bill has been the murder of rancher Robert Krentz at the hands of immigrants. But according to reports, the main suspect in the case is an American, not Mexican.

High-ranking government sources told the Arizona Daily Star that Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever is investigating an American in the murder case that has become a cause célèbre for anti-immigrant activists, conservative politicians, and Matt Drudge. Republican Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth called Krentz a "martyr" for border security. Politicians have also used the man's death to ask for the deployment of National Guard troops along the border to keep illegal immigrants out.

And just two days ago, friend of neo-Nazis and author of the new law, State Senator Russell Pearce said, "Rob Krentz's death it's just one more example of government's failure to stand for it's citizens and the rule of law and protects citizens while we continue to harbor criminals and those that violate our sovereignty in our borders." You heard it. In Krentz's memory, Russell Pearce is standing up for hardworking Americans just like you, because the government obviously can't keep dirty illegals from murdering everyone.

Update: The Arizona Daily Star has added an editor's note to the previously linked article:

Earlier versions of this news story referred to the possible suspect in the Krentz killing investigation as American. The story - as originally reported - said the suspect is believed to be in the United States. It was changed to 'American' in the editing process. To be clear, the suspect is believed to be in the US. The suspect's nationality is unknown.

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