
Google China photo gallery

Chris Mohney · 02/23/07 01:00PM

Google Blogoscoped has datamined a nice collection of pics depicting Google's searchworks in China. Usual assortment of infantilizing treats for the workers, plus the odd pic of Sergey Brin and the Google China boss, Kai-Fu Lee. Also includes actual documentary proof of Marissa Mayer putting ads above users.

Pirates of Silicon Valley II: Our Candidates for the Cast

Nick Douglas · 01/30/07 04:29PM

NICK DOUGLAS — While dust gathers on our old VHS copies of Pirates of Silicon Valley (for us, Noah Wyle's career hit its high point with his role as Steve Jobs), it's time to cast the sequel. Starring the Daily Show's Demetri Martin as Digg founder Kevin Rose, Jason Bateman as Diggnation co-host Alex Albrecht and Rush Limbaugh as John C. Dvorak, the show also includes stars playing Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Merlin Mann, and Google's Marissa Mayer.

Liveblogging Google VP Marissa Mayer at the Web 2.0 Summit

Nick Douglas · 11/09/06 05:29PM

Google VP and de facto spokesperson Marissa Mayer is at the Web 2.0 Summit discussing "What Google secretly discovered along the way." Opens with a story about running studies about Google, doing split A/B testing (giving a small group of users a different version of Google — a different font, different buttons, whatever).

Breakfast with Marissa Mayer

Nick Douglas · 10/13/06 11:36AM

New York correspondent Benjamin Edison reports from a breakfast talk given by our favorite Google VP.

Marissa found on Newsweek

Nick Douglas · 09/22/06 02:24PM

Breaking News! During a deep investigation, we found Google's most media-saturating executive hiding in plain sight on the cover of Newsweek that's been out for days. Marissa Mayer's anti-biometric face-morphing technique ensured that millions of web programmers would stream right past her in the checkout line. God she's advanced.

Valleywag party report: Google's Larry Page rocks the urban mullet

Nick Douglas · 09/12/06 04:35PM

Last night, I cheated my way into a book party for California-based writer and web publisher Arianna Huffington at the San Francisco guest house of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and romance novelist Melanie Craft Ellison. First lesson: Don't go to a society event dressed for a Silicon Valley geek party. Second lesson: F. Scott Fitzgerald was right, the rich are not like you and me.

Marissa Mayer gets Lucky

Nick Douglas · 08/29/06 04:58PM

Lucky Magazine spread Marissa Mayer's gadgets across two pages of their September issue, along with priceless quotes like, "I'm so big on baking, I was actually contemplating opening a cupcake shop last summer."

Marissa Mayer gets hooked on a Hasselhoff

Nick Douglas · 08/28/06 09:00AM

At a conference last week, Google's most public VP (Marissa "Evita" Mayer) was spotted crediting sites like Google Video for the rise of Z-list celebs. And, sadly, she's right — the Star-Wars-Kid news cycle shrank from months to hours, thanks to some low-rent stars, not all of them new. Says Mayer:

Loose wires: Such, such were the Joys

Nick Douglas · 08/23/06 11:24PM
  • The Sun hosts an exclusive Webchat with Marissa Mayer, Google's Director of Consumer Products. Our first question for the lovely Marissa: Google bitching aside, just how miffed is she that we excluded her from our Web 2.0 Hotties Competition? [The Sun Online]