
Halloween Masks: The Cityfile Collection

cityfile · 10/30/08 09:48AM

Last week we offered to send you a Halloween mask free of charge. We ran through the supply pretty quickly and a number of you were left out in the cold. (Sorry about that!) For those of you who missed your chance—and provided you have access to a color printer—we've posted the masks online. So you can print them out yourselves in the event you still don't have a Halloween costume lined up. After the jump, our very special collection of seven masks, in case you feel like dressing up as Anderson Cooper, Mario Batali, Nina Garcia, Anne Hathaway, Keith Olbermann, Vikram Pandit, or Al Sharpton.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 09/09/08 06:34AM

Mario Batali turns 48 today. Congrats, big fella! Other folks who will be blowing out candles today: Actress Michelle Williams is 28. Adam Sandler is turning 42. Hugh Grant is 48. Dreamy big band singer Michael Buble is 33. Tom Wopat, the Dukes of Hazzard dude who later turned to Broadway, is 57. And model (and Rod Stewart ex) Rachel Hunter is 39.

Achatz Prevails at James Beard Awards

cityfile · 06/09/08 07:17AM

Last night, Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall played host to the James Beard Awards, the Oscars/Emmys/Tonys/Grammys of dining. Grant Achatz, the 34-year-old Chicago chef whose cruelly poetic battle with tongue cancer is recounted in this must-read New Yorker piece, won the top award of the night, the Oustanding Chef Award. Hometown winners included Danny Meyer's Gramercy Tavern, for outstanding restaurant; Mario Batali and Joe Bastianich, for outstanding restaurateur; and up-and-comer Gavin Kaysen of Cafe Boulud, who bagged the Rising Star Award. And what culinary event would be complete without some groveling display of deference to David Chang? The Momofuku chieftain was handed the award for best chef in New York City.

Ben Karlin In Lawsuit About Spain Book For Some Reason

Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/08 09:13AM

Ben Karlin, the funnyman former Daily Show producer who is, unfortunately, kind of a dick, is currently suing some company over a book about Spain. Mario Batali is involved, too. What in the world is Ben Karlin doing working on a book about Spain, which does not appear to be a comedy project? We don't know, but it sure sounds like the guy is (wisely) just signing up for any old book that'll cut him a check:

Charlie's Wedding Just Might Be Fun To Watch

cityfile · 05/30/08 04:08AM
  • Charlie Sheen and wife-to-be Brooke Mueller are getting married tonight. The bride might already be pregnant, and Denise Richards might be planning to crash the party with her reality show camera crew. Should be fun! [Rush & Molloy]

Touchy Restaurateurs Not Scared of Bloggers

Sheila · 02/11/08 11:43AM

While we're on the subject of emotional restaurateurs, who've already got their hands full dealing with Times food critic Frank Bruni, let it be known that they don't give a damn what the foodbloggers say. You might already be familiar with celebchef Mario Batali's "Why I Hate Food Bloggers" manifesto on Eater last summer. Now he adds, in Jay Rayner's forthcoming book The Man Who Ate the World, that said bloggers can "suck [his] dick."

Mario Batali

cityfile · 02/03/08 10:48PM

Possibly the most famous chef in New York, Batali is the carrot-topped maestro of Italian cuisine behind such eateries as Babbo, Lupa, Esca, Otto, and Del Posto.

Mozza Maestro Mario Batali Reveals Details About Gwyneth Paltrow's Non-Life-Threatening Mystery Ailment!

Seth Abramovitch · 01/18/08 05:02PM

We realize we left many of you hanging since noting Tuesday of the shocking hospitalization of Gwyneth Paltrow for a mystery ailment, which some were hypothesizing resulted from the actress's experimenting with a strict, raw-foods-only intestinal-purging regimen. Well, none other than celebrity chef Mario Batali [Ed. note: Pause to rhapsodize about Mozza's fresh ricotta and egg raviolo with browned butterrrargghlerrrarrh...] has confirmed to that the troubles were indeed isolated to her digestive tract:

Mario Batali Spiked From Real T.V.

Joshua Stein · 09/05/07 11:45AM

Mario Batali, owner of Babbo et al and the man whose ample physicality has filled Food Network television kitchens for years, has been dropped from the network, the Post's Braden Keil reports today with ill-concealed schadenfreude. That means no more Jake Gyllenhaal just stopping by to sample the culatello! Perhaps the more tragic loss is that Batali will no longer appear on the rigged cooking show Iron Chef America. So what of Batali now?

Braden Keil: Mario Batali "Should Get Back In The Kitchen"

Joshua Stein · 06/15/07 01:20PM

Yesterday Eater published a column by notorious blog-hating chef Mario Batali, appropriately called Why I hate Food Bloggers. Strangely the only boldfaced name Batali singles out in his philippic isn't a blogger at all but a real "journalist," the Post's Mr. Braden Keil. Apropos coverage of Batali's latest victory over his landlord at Del Posto, Batali writes

Batali And Gyllenhaal Meet At Balthazar

Joshua Stein · 06/13/07 12:03PM

A citizen journalist noted this duo in action: "Jake Gyllenhall and Mario Batali having breakfast together at Balthazar, one much cuter than the other! " Now what Batali is doing at a rival's restaurant, out in the open, is a mystery. And what he's doing with Jake Gyllenhaal, the Jean Paul Belmondo of our generation, is equally mind-fuzzying. Maybe he heard Jake's sister likes to pose topless or maybe we have a Jake + Mario restaurant in the offing. Brokeback Poutine anyone?

Burning Chef Stabbed At Spotted Pig

Joshua Stein · 05/22/07 01:50PM

In a city more stuffed with bad boy chefs than a paupiette is with forcemeat, British chef Marco Pierre White proved himself recently at least as tough, dumb and bad as his competition. The Post recounts the disaster: Last Thursday at the Spotted Pig—you know, that restaurant the hot movie-boys can't stop smoking in front of—he set himself on fire and someone stabbed him.

Know Your Shillers: Susan Magrino

Josh · 03/26/07 05:05PM

The restaurant world is fueled by shadowy PR organizations, a culinary world version of the Office of Strategic Influence. These buzz-building machines, invisible to your average diner, are responsible for much of what you eat, how long you wait to eat it and just how long you'll eat it for.

'Top Chef''s Ilan Quits His Job At Casa Mono (Because??)

Emily Gould · 01/24/07 03:50PM

In the proud Gawker tradition of alarmist fake-seeming reality show spoiling, we bring you the news, via Snack, that Top Chef contestant Ilan Hall has left his position at Mario Batali's Spanish joint, Casa Mono. Snack wonders whether this means that Hall has bagged the show's $100,000 grand prize (while the first part of the finale airs this week, it was taped in November) while Eater LA posits the theory that Hall has quit to avoid humiliation when it's revealed that he "did something more horrible than Cliff." We hate spoilers (uh, sorry!) and we're rooting for Sam, so we're kind of hoping that it's the latter. What, or who, did Ilan do that's more horrible than Cliff? Only time — or, you know, food blogs — will tell.