
Republican Candidates Can't Even Get Walking to Their Debate Podiums Right

Ashley Feinberg · 02/06/16 08:29PM

In what we can only hope was a sign of what’s to come, the ABC GOP debate kicked off with the most bizarre candidate walk-out any of us will likely ever see. Ben Carson appeared to refuse to go on stage, the moderators literally forgot about John Kasich, and both Carson and Trump had to eventually be begged before finally shuffling out from the shadows. This candidate clusterfuck alone almost makes the entire, terrible election worth it.

Marco Rubio Loses Iowa Caucuses, Wins Narrative Primary

Alex Pareene · 02/01/16 11:27PM

This morning, the smart money had it that Donald Trump would win Iowa, and Ted Cruz would come in second—but it was possible that Trump could under-perform and Cruz would win. Well, Ted Cruz has won Iowa. Donald Trump is in second, and Marco Rubio is in third. But according to “the narrative,” Donald Trump is tonight’s big loser, and Rubio the upset victor.

You Have to Win Elections to Win Elections

Alex Pareene · 02/01/16 07:35PM

Soon we’ll have a winner in the first official contest of the 2016 election. For the Republicans, it’s likely to be Donald Trump, though it could be Sen. Ted Cruz. There is a small chance it will be Sen. Marco Rubio, the supposed “establishment” candidate. But it probably won’t be. And don’t worry: Losing—repeatedly and for a long time—is all part of Rubio’s master plan.

"Thrifty" Marco Rubio Always Flies Coach (Except When He Takes Private Jets)

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/07/16 09:25AM

You might be forgiven for imagining Marco Rubio waiting patiently at the gate for his boarding group to be called. Will his carry-on bag fit in the overhead compartment? Will they let him board even though his bulky one personal item looks like it’s holding quite a few pairs of high-heeled boots? We may never know, because Marco “I Always Fly Coach” Rubio is reportedly all about the private jet these days.

How Tall Does Each Candidate Seem? 

Allie Jones · 01/05/16 01:10PM

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio wore some cute boots yesterday. Once New York Times reporter Michael Barbaro tweeted out a photo of them, both political and fashion journalists had questions. How high are those heels? (Two inches, easily.) Where did he get them? (The campaign has yet to say.) Do they come in my size? (I personally want to know.) And—cutting to the real issue at hand—how tall is Marco Rubio anyway?

Marco Rubio Is Losing

Alex Pareene · 12/22/15 09:25AM

Is Senator Marco Rubio running for president? Is that a stupid question? After all, there he was on stage last week in Las Vegas, speaking more than any candidate besides Cruz (he beat Trump!). He was, according to FiveThirtyEight, the most-attacked Republican candidate, too, which usually indicates frontrunner status. Except Marco Rubio isn’t a frontrunner in any poll, in any primary state; his popularity remains primarily theoretical. Is he actually doing anything to change that?

Actually, Marco Rubio, Philosophers Make More Than Welders

Taylor Berman · 11/10/15 09:47PM

Earlier in tonight’s GOP debate, Sen. Marco Rubio made a rousing call for more vocational education. “Welders make more money than philosophers,” he said to applause. “We need more welders than philosophers.”

Marco Rubio Would Like to Have a Beer With Malala, a Muslim Teen

Jordan Sargent · 11/04/15 02:37PM

Today, Senator Marco Rubio held a Q&A for “young professionals” at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. That sounds very boring, and it probably mostly was, except that Rubio gave perhaps the most insane answer possible to the question, “Who would you like to have a beer with who is not a politician?”

Jeb and Rubio Agree: Chiang Kai-Shek Was an Imaginary Mystical Warrior

Jay Hathaway · 10/29/15 12:25PM

When Marco Rubio became Florida’s Speaker of the House in 2005, Governor Jeb Bush welcomed him by bestowing upon him the sword of “Chang,” who Bush described as “a mythical conservative warrior.” It’s odd how mythology develops: Bush was almost certainly, if unwittingly, talking about Chiang Kai-Shek, the Chinese nationalist leader best known for losing a civil war to the Chinese Communist Party and retreating to Taiwan. Chiang was, notably, not democracy’s number-one fan.