
Media A-Listers Flock to Futuristic Hellscape

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 01:32PM

In your interactive Tuesday media column: anywhere is better than "South by," the NYT vs HuffPo feud continues, the Tribune bankruptcy is predictably troublesome, Carl Paladino hates the press, and your mandatory Katie Couric rumor of the day.

Glenn Beck (Temporarily) Washed Away by Tsunami

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/11 02:10PM

In your waterlogged Friday media column: Fox News chooses Japan over Glenn Beck, Adam Moss can't come up with any good insults, the New York Times knows what you need to read, and everyone's getting into this whole iPad thing.

AOL Lays Off Hundreds in Corporate Synergy Massacre

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/11 01:49PM

In your painful Thursday media column: major layoffs at AOL, reporters in peril in Libya, the latest Katie Couric career rumors, anonymous commenting debated, and Newsday is new, somehow.

Bill Keller's Ill-Advised Column Debuts

Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/11 03:22PM

In your Wednesday media column: Bill Keller's debut column, the NYT paywall approaches, NewsBeast shows staffers the new Newsweek, NPR listeners are unbearable, and Jeanne Moos wants a gold watch, goddamn it. Gutted: Making Money on News Is Hard

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 02:55PM

In your tragic Wednesday media column: TBD is eviscerated, a new WaPo ombudsman, media tweet beef, a bunch of HuffPo millionaires, Harper's Magazine is a case study of woe, and Fox News is your most valuable cable network without balls.

Tina Brown Is 'Done With' Hype; Pigs Fly

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/11 11:25AM

To say that Tina Brown is more fond of hype than any other major magazine editor is not necessarily to say anything bad about her; it's just to point out that she is Tina Brown—the editor who pathologically loves to celebrate celebrity. The editor whose Talk magazine launch party defined an entire era of media excess! It's worked for her. But suddenly, she's shy and retiring?