
$39,000 Olsen Twins Backpack Sells Out

Maureen O'Connor · 10/05/11 11:55AM

A $39,000 backpack from the Olsen twins' luxury fashion line The Row was "the first thing that sold off the shelf," according to Ashley. "During our last economic crisis in the U.S., the only thing that went up was Hermès." That's why she designed this mind-bogglingly expensive backpack, made exclusively from the skin of the mysterious fourth Olsen sister, who lives in a cage in their basement. You thought Elizabeth Olsen was the secret one? Hah.

Latest Rich People Trend: Solid Gold Tattoos

Brian Moylan · 11/12/10 01:33PM

The latest trend sweeping Dubai, the rich people capital of the universe: solid gold temporary tattoos for special occasions like weddings. They last for about a week and only cost $50. Wait, $50? That's nothing. Luxury for everyone!

'Summer Must Have? A Yacht'

Maureen O'Connor · 05/12/10 05:51PM

Paris Hilton on her summer plans: "I'm just going to be on a yacht. Summer must have? A yacht. I'm going to St. Tropez, Monaco." She continues, "No more McDonald's, In-N-Out done. Getting my bikini body." [Us, photo via X17]

Without Luxury, Life Is Not Worth Living

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/10 02:29PM

The Way We Live Now: Precociously. Our spending habits place us in rarefied company. We may not have money for hospitals, but we certainly have enough money to ensure that luxury does not die. Priorities, friends; priorities.

Police Identify Manhattan Luxury Burglar Suspect

Ravi Somaiya · 04/03/10 02:13PM

A mysterious figure has been breaking into luxury boutiques in the early hours of the morning and stealing only the finest luxury goods like $260 jeans and $23,000 of designer sunglasses.

Dudes Buying Fancy Beds

Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/09 11:36AM

Just trying to be a normal xenophobic American man these days means constantly fighting back against The System (ladies, etc.) telling us to buy fancy shampoo and fancy underwear, so, hey fellas, do not buy more fancy crap by choice.

Our Great Brands Are Too Big to Fail

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/09 12:08PM

The Way We Live Now: With the shame of the defeated. We're too dumb to even figure out how to make our biggest companies go bankrupt properly. But we will obstinately stand on the power of our "luxury" brands until they sink in the financial muck and drown us, triumphantly!

The Post-Bling Era?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/09 09:51AM

How poor are people, these days? So poor that rappers can't afford to wear half-million-dollar chains any more! That's the thesis of a story which is surely false (nobody could ever really afford to wear a half-million-dollar chain), but it raises the question: what is the post-bling thing?