Springfield, Ore. police arrested a couple last Sunday having sex in their car, conveniently parked (and rocking) outside the jailhouse.

Police told KVAL that Kelli M. Knutson, 24, and Logan P. Jackson, 33, apparently went to a strip club together, and after leaving, and feeling "caught up in the moment," walked across the street to their car parked in front the jail, and started having sex. Their display reportedly caused a small traffic jam—drivers kept slowing down to watch them.

"We'd normally tell them to go someplace that's safer than a parking lot, or wherever we might find them," Sgt. Rich Charboneau told KVAL. "In this case, we had traffic being slowed down, we had someone complaining about it, so we had to take action."

Both were arrested by police on indecent exposure and disorderly conduct charges. They were booked in separate jails.

[H/T NY Daily News // Image via KVAL]