
Reporter Claims He Was Fired for Asking Louisiana Senator David Vitter About His History With Prostitutes

Andy Cush · 09/09/15 05:45PM

Derek Myers, a television reporter with NBC affiliate WVLA in Baton Rouge, was fired from the network Tuesday after asking U.S. Senator and Louisiana gubernatorial candidate David Vitter about his admitted history of patronizing prostitutes. Myers believes that he was terminated because Vitter’s campaign threatened to pull $250,000 in advertising from WVLA over the confrontation.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/15 10:34AM

After 43 years of solitary confinement in Louisiana’s Angola prison, Albert Woodfox has been freed by a federal judge who wrote that “there is no valid conviction holding him in prison, let alone solitary confinement.” Woodfox has been convicted twice of killing a prison guard—and both convictions have been overturned.

Report: Oh God, This Guy Too, Probably

Hudson Hongo · 06/03/15 12:45AM

According to NBC News, Louisiana’s Republican Governor Bobby Jindal will be making “a major announcement” about his 2016 plans later this month. Which—barring an declaration that he seeks to abolish the federal government and name himself Jindalator Supreme—means that he, too, is likely running for president.

Bobby Jindal Wants to Be President of Bigot Pizza Nation

Ashley Feinberg · 04/23/15 05:21PM

Louisiana governor and presumed 2016 presidential contender Bobby Jindal has an op-ed in The New York Times in which he takes a stand against everyone taking a stand against businesses taking a stand against gay marriage, and publicizes his push to pass a bill forbidding his state from taking “adverse action” against businesses that discriminate against same-sex couples. How brave.

Louisiana Restaurant Offers 10 Percent Discount for Gun-Toting Customers

Aleksander Chan · 09/29/14 12:08PM

As any American looking to eat out on a budget, I'm not one to pass up a great deal, and this one is arguably better than the McDonald's value menu: Bring your gun to Bergeron's Restaurant in Port Allen, La. and get 10 percent off your order for making the owner feel "safer." "I just need to see a weapon. I need you to be carrying a gun," Kevin Cox told NBC33.

Sorority Song Trashes "Boring Chodes," "Poser Cunts" in Other Chapters

Jay Hathaway · 08/26/14 01:24PM

If there's anything to be learned from last year's "most deranged sorority girl email ever," it's that the internal communications of sororities are endlessly charming, fascinating, and full of the word "cunt." The Louisiana State University chapter of Tri Delta has proven that once again this week with a leaked parody song trashing the "fucking lards" and "poser cunts" in every other sorority on campus