The Louisiana teen who reportedly bragged about having a threesome with two of his high school teachers is very, very sorry about the whole thing, according the teen's grandfather.

"He is really down about it right now,' the 17-year-old's grandfather told the Daily Mail. "All boys that age want to brag about what they are doing. He didn't expect it would come to this."

From the Daily Mail:

'He feels really bad,' said the boy's grandfather. 'These women have families and he knows how terrible it is for them. He knows they will never be able to teach again and could very well go to prison.

'He just wishes the whole thing had never happened. It's a shocking thing — a real shock for all of us — when you have teachers who should be educating doing this instead.'

The two teachers, Rachel Respess, 24, and Shelley Dufresne, 32, are both on unpaid leave from their jobs as English teachers at Destrehan High School and face charges in Destrehan of "having carnal knowledge of a juvenile," indecent behavior with a juvenile, and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. Dufresne, a married mother of three and the daughter of a local judge, faces separate charges in Montz, La. for allegedly having an on-going affair with the teen.

[h/t Uproxx]