
Gravity Is Fake But Cake Is All Too Real

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/10 04:11PM

Gravity controversy! Fecal news! Fatty cake brain! Shady brainy babies! Lottery science magic! Shirts, singing! Who knows what secrets the universe holds? The Tuesday Science Watch does! Because we watch your science—clad in pop tune follicles!

Afternoon Victory: A Winning Lottery Ticket

Foster Kamer · 05/31/09 01:45PM

You ever have those ridiculous daydreams about winning the lottery, and what you would do with the money the moment you got it? A lot of people I've talked to do. Which is why they'll enjoy this, possibly the funniest thing I've seen all week.

Lotteries Are The Last Glamorous Things Left

Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/08 09:32AM

Ha, everybody watches Mad Men and assumes that advertising must be some kind of glamorous industry. Forget it! The best thing agency big shots can hope for these days: "Create affordable meals and boost the cheese-single business" for Kraft. Wow, that's a "panty-dropper" account for sure! Seriously, most ad people are now stuck touting things like money-saving strategies at JCPenney. Try impressing girls with that. The last available prestige account in these trying times: sucking the blood of the poor more effectively with jingles for the state lottery! Facebook pages. Scratch-and-sniff lottery tickets. Gas discounts. Partnering with Indiana Jones and Deal or No Deal. Lotteries are doing all these things (and more!) to attract the dwindling dollars of desperate Americans into their swollen coffers.


Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/08 01:57PM

A Wisconsin couple bought four lottery tickets-all with the same numbers, for the same drawing-and won. AP headline: "Wisconsin couple each hit lottery - twice." Same story on, headline: "Has Couple Found Formula To Win Lottery?" Same story on Drudge, headline: "Couple Finds Formula To Win Lottery; Rakes In $700K This Week!" This is why America is losing.

The Unluckiest Super

cityfile · 08/22/08 06:04AM

Richie Randazzo is the Park Avenue doorman who won the lottery, bought a new car, and picked up a twentysomething Swedish girlfriend who may or may not have been a prostitute. Today the Times meets up the unlikely loser in this story: Randazzo's pal, Ray Otero, the super at 106 East 85th Street who spends $30,000 a year on lottery tickets but has yet to win a major jackpot. But there's a silver lining! At least residents of the building now know that their Christmas tip money is funding state education. [NYT]

Household Help No More

cityfile · 08/04/08 06:31AM

Ira Rennert may be looking for some help around his Hamptons compound today. Degli and Maria Martinez, a husband and wife who served as live-in help at Rennert's 110,000-square-foot home, just quit their jobs after winning the largest jackpot in New York State lotto history. The winning ticket came out to $21 million as part of a lump sum payment, which is roughly what Rennert spends a year on gas for his fleet of jets and Hummers. [Page Six]

Richie Randazzo a Doorman No More

cityfile · 07/30/08 09:36AM

Richie Randazzo won the lottery, landed a model girlfriend, took a trip to Atlantic City, and then learned that his new girlfriend might be connected to a prostitution ring. It's been a busy few weeks for the now-former doorman at 1021 Park, who admitted today that the building dismissed him. Fortunately, buses to the Taj leave on the hour. [NYP]

Catching Up With the $5 Million Doorman

cityfile · 07/24/08 08:13AM

A slow news week for the New York Post has turned into a very busy one for Mr. Richie Randazzo, the doorman at 1021 Park Avenue who won a $5 million jackpot back in June thanks to a lucky scratch-off ticket. On Tuesday, we learned that since landing his big pay day, Richie has been skipping work to hang out with a new prize, a youthful Swedish model by the name of Sabina Mari Johansson. Then yesterday the Post treated us to an extensive photo gallery of how Randazzo and Johansson pass the time these days. (In hot tubs in Atlantic City, apparently.)

Doorman Lands a Model, May Lose Job

cityfile · 07/22/08 06:22AM

Remember Richie Randazzo, the Park Avenue doorman who collected $5 million thanks to a scratch-off lottery ticket? Richie's about to get fired from his job at 1021 Park: It seems he's been skipping out of work to play Blackjack in Atlantic City and for refusing to wear his uniform when he does show up. On the bright side, he's now dating a Swedish model and plans to collect unemployment if and when he gets the ax. [NYP]