
Car Chase Suspect Now in Armed Stand-off With LAPD

Taylor Berman · 06/09/14 01:47PM

A car chase in Los Angeles this morning ended with the suspect fleeing his car with a rifle and climbing to the roof of a building, where he's currently in a stand-off with the LAPD.

Rescue Shelter Sells 4-Year-Old's Dog to Another, "Better" Family

Adam Weinstein · 03/04/14 02:45PM

It was only a few weeks ago that Rosa Torres and her young son lost Raffiki, their Rhodesian ridgeback puppy, out of their L.A. backyard. But now Raffiki has a new name and a new home—and her fate has some animal lovers questioning the ethics of the group that "rescued" her.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/14 02:47PM

Decades of accumulated weather data show that Los Angeles, California has more pleasant days per year than any other city in America, which is all the more reason to bulldoze Los Angeles and move New York City there.