
Celeb Media Interns '09: Qualified

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/09 03:07PM

A new summer has blossomed (technically), and with it a new crop of celebrity media interns, riding their family names into coffee-fetching and fact-checking gigs that should rightfully go to miserable, debt-wracked, overqualified J-school graduates. This year's celeb intern class:

Ten New Jobs For J-School Graduates

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/09 03:25PM

Despite the fact that there are not enough jobs for people already in journalism, kids still pay big money to go to J-schools. Where will they find work? New ideas for a new world:

Everything Bad Happens Today

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/09 01:00PM

Well now, let's just open the paper and have a look at the...OHMIGOD, what the hell, Jesus Christ, is the entire world economy collapsing today, worse than ever? Yes it is.

How to Write Fake Recession Trend Stories

Hamilton Nolan · 02/12/09 11:06AM

Is the bad economy a turn-on, or a turn-off? With a fake recession trend story, either can be true! Just study this easy guide to manufacturing trends in these tough times. Everybody's doing it:

Top Five Kellogg's Recipes For Stoners

Ryan Tate · 02/08/09 09:37PM

As Seth Meyers pointed out on Saturday Night Live last night, Kellogg Company's image is closer to that of bong-smoking Olympian Michael Phelps than the cereal maker likes to admit.

The Obama Inauguration's Disaster Potential

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/09 10:54AM

Obama's inauguration is not just his star-studded debut; it's also his first chance for a PR disaster. After the jump, a brief look at all the things that could go wrong on Day One: