
Disgraced Army General Offers Hilarious Career Pointers on LinkedIn

Adam Weinstein · 04/22/14 10:32AM

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, U.S. Army (retired), had a really tough time after he was pushed out of the workforce. Would you like to hear about it? He would like to tell you about it. Welcome to LinkedIn's Career Curveball® confessionals!

LinkedIn Apparently Hacked: Try to Care Long Enough to Change Your Password

Adrian Chen · 06/06/12 09:22AM

Useless virtual high school career fair LinkedIn was reportedly hacked, and 6.5 million passwords leaked to a Russian hacking website. The passwords were encrypted, but hackers have apparently already cracked more than 300,000. ZDNet reports that the hack affects less than 10 percent of LinkedIn's user base, but you should probably change your LinkedIn password, after spending 20 minutes trying to remember your LinkedIn password, just in case.

The Recipe for a Perfect LinkedIn Profile Photo

Brian Moylan · 10/20/11 03:58PM

Today the Wall Street Journal chatted with Nicole Williams, who is a "connection director." No, that's not what Heidi Fleiss got put in jail for. Williams works at LinkedIn, the social media equivalent of a "networking event" in a hotel conference room except without the sweaty cold cuts that bald guys are eating with their fingers.

How to Deal with Social Media 'Fatigue'

Adrian Chen · 08/11/11 03:21PM

It's a sad fact that you must join every single social network in existence or risk vanishing from the face of the earth. But this is leading to "digital fatigue" among social networkers. How to deal with this? We have the answer.

LinkedIn's Monster IPO Is Terrifying

Ryan Tate · 05/19/11 12:58PM

LinkedIn shares more than doubled in price in their first day of trading, valuing the annoyingly pointless social network at more than $8 billion. Now that the social networking bubble has reached the masses, it isn't just annoying, it's dangerous.

China's LinkedIn Revolution Crushed

Adrian Chen · 02/24/11 07:04PM

LinkedIn, the social-networking service for professionals, has been blocked in China after users created a group to discuss bringing Middle East-like protests to China. People barely even use LinkedIn for its designed purpose—have you ever met a dedicated LinkedIn user?—but they're still organizing revolutions on it like crazy. Who's up for a Yelp revolution? We'll give the White House one-star reviews and say we saw a rat in the West Wing. Boom: Collapse.

The Completely Evil Social Network

Ryan Tate · 03/31/10 04:33PM

Welcome to the ultimate distillation of all the most evil social networking practices to have emerged over the past couple of years: Unvarnished, a website where complete strangers can set up your "profile" and mock you before potential employers.

Social Networking For Socialites

cityfile · 07/01/09 09:16AM

BusinessWeek conducted a little investigation recently and discovered that while a number of prominent CEOs have joined social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn over the past few years, very few had managed to make many friends. What about New York's population of socialites and do-nothing fameseekers? Naturally, they have no trouble making friends when it comes to Facebook. But that isn't the case with business-centric LinkedIn, where many of them lead lonely online existences and—worst of all—they've been forced to actually fill something in under the headers "job title" and "employer." How can you possibly be expected to have either if you spend your days sleeping and your evenings out at parties? A few examples—including Annabel Vartanian and Alex McCord (left)—after the jump.

Farrah, Late Night Ratings & Anderson's Mea Culpa

cityfile · 06/25/09 12:55PM

• ABC and NBC will face off on Thursday night with competing tributes to Farrah Fawcett, who died today. But you probably expected that, no? [NYT]
David Letterman beat out Conan in the ratings last week, the first time the Late Show has dominated the weekly ratings since 2005. [THR]
Rosie O'Donnell will debut a new show on Sirius XM this fall. [NYDN]
• Rumor has it Ben Silverman's tenure at NBC may be ending soon. [DHD]
• Fox News now averages the same number of viewers as CNN, MSNBC, and HLN combined. Cue an evil grin across Roger Ailes's face. [THR]
Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson's new book contains material he ripped from Wikipedia. But he's really, really sorry about it, okay? [NYP]