
Kids Should Be Abandoned in Bloomingdale's More Often

Sheila · 04/03/08 09:23AM

We talk all the time about how we hate your kids because they're spoiled and rich, taking over the city with their precious, organic ways! Now we have an ally in the media: Lenore Skenazy from the New York Sun. She wrote about leaving him at Bloomingdale's! "For weeks my boy had been begging for me to please leave him somewhere, anywhere, and let him try to figure out how to get home on his own. So on that sunny Sunday I gave him a subway map, a MetroCard, a $20 bill, and several quarters." It's like the Outward Bound of New York City! On the Today Show, mother and son explain his big adventure: "This is like, 'boy boils egg.' He just did something that any nine-year-old can do." Click to watch Skenazy get chastised: the subway is no place for children.

Lenore Skenazy Discovered Football

Pareene · 02/05/08 09:59AM

It took a day or so, but the staid and conservative New York Sun basically became the Post today, with no fewer than six stories on your New York Football Giants. Including one by beloved former Daily News columnist Lenore Skenazy. She has never watched football before, but now she has some sort of meathead son who declares that upon growing up he's "going to be a linebacker, or safety, or maybe a hot dog seller, because he loves the tongs." Ok, little Skenazy! Whatever. Then Skenazy and her husband eat "wings" and watch their very first Super Bowl ever on a "spanking new high-def projector so we can watch the game on our living room wall. We take down our French poster for the occasion." Mon dieu! Not their "French poster"! Andrea Peyser would eat these people alive. [NYSun]

Doree Shafrir · 08/31/07 11:10AM

"No two ways about it—not with Labor Day prowling around, ready to pounce on the end of summer, skin it, pound it, and throw it on the grill so it goes up in flames like a chicken breast marinated in motor oil." Uh, we think this means Sun columnist Lenore Skenazy is depressed that summer's over? [NYS]

Doree Shafrir · 07/06/07 01:46PM

Lenore Skenazy, closet hipster? "I hate loving what hipsters love. That's why I can't bring myself to knit. Nonetheless, the same folks who conferred coolness on 'crafting,' Brooklyn, and cupcakes are doing it now for the worthy accordion." [NY Sun]

Mean Lady Wants To Take Away Our Torture Porn

Balk · 05/29/07 11:10AM

Writing in AdAge, former News scold Lenore Skenazy (the low-carb version of Andrea Peyser) takes on torture porn—"that new category where the star gets raped and disemboweled." Leaving aside the fact that Skenazy has clearly never heard of genre classics like, say, Titus Andronicus, the soi-disant "resident school marm" poses the following question about the "slippery slope" we've come to accept in violent entertainment:

Free Paris Hilton. Or Don't, Who Cares?

abalk2 · 05/11/07 12:20PM

Yesterday, a sad and staged publicity event took place outside our office. The "protest," aimed at "freeing" Paris Hilton, drew shockingly few spectators. Most of them, in fact, were press, including such luminaries as the Sun's Lenore Skenazy and the Post's Mark Bulliet. But what did average New Yorkers think about the whole thing? Since The Assimilated Negro and Richard Blakeley only work within 50 feet of the office, they came out to ask the hard questions.

Lenore Skenazy: 'Wicca Is The Next Yoga'

Doree · 04/27/07 01:46PM

It's been nearly five months since Lenore Skenazy was ditched from her perch at the Daily News. Let's catch up with her recent work at the Sun! Wednesday's column, "Witching Hour In America," begins with a bang:

'News' Needs Women

abalk2 · 12/01/06 09:40AM

So asked the Post during their humble celebration of eclipsing the News in circulation. Apparently not Mort Zuckerman, who canned Skenazy after nearly eighteen years with the paper. Keith Kelly's crocodile tears fall thickly on the page this morning as he reports the dismissal: