Mean Lady Wants To Take Away Our Torture Porn

Writing in AdAge, former News scold Lenore Skenazy (the low-carb version of Andrea Peyser) takes on torture porn—"that new category where the star gets raped and disemboweled." Leaving aside the fact that Skenazy has clearly never heard of genre classics like, say, Titus Andronicus, the soi-disant "resident school marm" poses the following question about the "slippery slope" we've come to accept in violent entertainment:
As I write this, my neighbor is blasting the soundtrack from another '60s classic, "My Fair Lady." What if Eliza Doolittle had been a kinky coed? What if Professor Higgins had picked her up, brought her home and — instead of teaching her the Queen's English — kept her chained to his radiator for the next 17 years?
Excellent question! Two answers: 1) "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" would take on a whole different context, as Higgins would be probably be singing it to Eliza's dismembered visage, and 2) we'd be afraid of the gays now. Very afraid.
Movie Producers Are Abusing Woman and Making a Profit Off It [AdAge]