We talk all the time about how we hate your kids because they're spoiled and rich, taking over the city with their precious, organic ways! Now we have an ally in the media: Lenore Skenazy from the New York Sun. She wrote about leaving him at Bloomingdale's! "For weeks my boy had been begging for me to please leave him somewhere, anywhere, and let him try to figure out how to get home on his own. So on that sunny Sunday I gave him a subway map, a MetroCard, a $20 bill, and several quarters." It's like the Outward Bound of New York City! On the Today Show, mother and son explain his big adventure: "This is like, 'boy boils egg.' He just did something that any nine-year-old can do." Click to watch Skenazy get chastised: the subway is no place for children.

it sounds like a great movie, a post-millennial Home Alone for the big city: the little scamp is overjoyed at first, running through the ladies' underwear department, then befriending a gruff security guard with a heart of gold, then bedding down for the night in the home furniture section. But the kid just dutifully took the subway (which is apparently not safe for kids) home: