
Elizabeth Wurtzel's Name Missing on Bar Exam Pass List

Gabriel Snyder · 11/17/08 01:39PM

The names of the most recent crop of people who passed the New York bar exam were made public today, and guess who's not on it? Prozac Nation author Elizabeth Wurtzel, who decided to enroll in law school after she felt powerless on 9/11 (and her subsequent books Bitch and Now, More Again: A Memoir of Addiction were literary duds). Wurtzel, who graduated last May at the age of 40, doesn't sound like she's the best test-taker.Wurtzel was seen taking the July exam at the Javits Center, a tipster tells us, but, as you can see below, the pass list is Wurtzel-less.

Emily Pataki Not As Dense As JFK Jr.

Doree Shafrir · 05/10/07 11:47AM

Ex-Governor Pataki can breathe a sigh of relief now that his daughter Emily has passed the bar exam on her second try. (Apparently these results came out last week, and we weren't, you know, scanning all the bar results diligently.) Congratulations to Emily; we expect that an email to your co-workers should be forthcoming?

NYU Law Students: Hot or Not?

Doree Shafrir · 11/28/06 04:25PM

A tipster forwarded an email that's gone around to the third-year students at NYU Law School, imploring them to vote on a "hotly debated but never settled question: 'Who are the most attractive 3Ls at NYU?'" In our experience, lawyers come in a close second to journalists on the face-for-print scale, so we're not holding our collective breath on this one. The email, however, offered some helpful advice for anyone voting: