Elizabeth Wurtzel's Name Missing on Bar Exam Pass List

The names of the most recent crop of people who passed the New York bar exam were made public today, and guess who's not on it? Prozac Nation author Elizabeth Wurtzel, who decided to enroll in law school after she felt powerless on 9/11 (and her subsequent books Bitch and Now, More Again: A Memoir of Addiction were literary duds). Wurtzel, who graduated last May at the age of 40, doesn't sound like she's the best test-taker.Wurtzel was seen taking the July exam at the Javits Center, a tipster tells us, but, as you can see below, the pass list is Wurtzel-less.

According to a New York Times story last year, she won her spot at usually super-choosy Yale with a subpar LSAT score of 160. While Wurtzel took time from her studies to condemn scurrilous Internet gossip, law school sounded a bit difficult for Wurtzel; she didn't hand in a paper because she and had an self-admitted "attitude problem." Nonetheless, she's had no trouble finding employment. Last month she started at Boies, Schiller, the law firm headed by Microsoft trust-busting attorney and Al Gore recount counsel David Boies.