
Angelina Jolie Joins Twitter, and Other Miracles

Maureen O'Connor · 07/27/10 09:17AM

@AngelinaJolie doesn't have followers yet—who will be the first? Paris Hilton denies doing a Nazi salute. Justin Bieber's life saved by a Segway. Ke$ha has a spanking fetish. Tuesday gossip is one tweet away from your best friend.

Is Christina Aguilera About to Get Fired From Music?

Adrian Chen · 07/18/10 09:43AM

Christina Aguilera is the poor man's Lady Gaga. Jennifer Aniston was spotted with a mystery guy. The Situation gets a sweet deal. Now that their sport is cool, soccer stars are finally getting some. Sunday's Gossip roundup is no troll.

Pam Anderson Says Banning This Ad Is Like Forcing Women Into Burqas

Maureen O'Connor · 07/16/10 08:49AM

Pamela Anderson fights for her right to be objectified. Bristol Palin refuses to look at Levi's Playgirl spread. Which iPhone app did Oksana Grigorieva use to record Mel Gibson's terrifying rants? Lady Gaga house-hunts in the Hamptons. TGIFriday gossip.

Why People Aren't Going to Concerts Anymore

Brian Moylan · 07/09/10 10:57AM

Ticket sales for all the concerts in the country combined has dropped to a new low, and many big-name acts are under-performing. How could this happen? Maybe because all the bands are old and no one wants to see them.

Katy Perry Is Better Than 80 Women In Bed, And Other Sexy Math

Adrian Chen · 07/05/10 09:39AM

Katy Perry tamed a sex addict. Stephanie Pratt might be coming to New York. Hottie soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo has a love child. Lady Gaga only wants your attention. Monday's Gossip Roundup is a three-day weekend of gossip things

Paris Hilton Arrested for Pot at World Cup

Adrian Chen · 07/03/10 09:36AM

Paris Hilton was arrested for possession in South Africa, but released! Ashley Dupre is becoming a real estate agent. Lady Gaga spotted wearing something normal. Carrie Prejean got straight married. Saturday's gossip roundup is a breath of fresh air.

Observe the House of Gaga in All Its Glory (Updated)

Richard Lawson · 07/02/10 10:51AM

Take a look at the $25,000-a-month Los Angeles mansion that pop supernova Lady Gaga is currently renting. There's a spa, a wetbar, six bedrooms, and eight bathrooms. It's huge. There's even a room for Alejandro!

A Straight Person's Guide to Gay Pride

Brian Moylan · 06/25/10 03:38PM

If you are a opposite-gender lover you may not know this is Gay Pride Weekend in New York. You should come join the party! But first, here are a few things you need to know before joining the fun.