
Christmas at Amazon: One Man's Story

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/14 11:15AM

What is it like to work at an Amazon warehouse during the annual holiday rush? One Amazon warehouse employee kindly narrated the "nonstop chaos" for us over the past month.

Mexican Farmworkers Treated Worse Than Sharecroppers 

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/14 12:10PM

For several days, the Los Angeles Times has been running an excellent series on the exploitation of farm workers in Mexico. Here is a bit of information on how the people who grow the produce you buy at Walmart are treated.

What Whole Foods Employees Think of the Company's "Values"

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/14 02:32PM

Whole Foods has just launched its first national advertising campaign, featuring the slogan "Values Matter." It emphasizes not just quality food, but also the company's "fair labor practices." How do Whole Foods employees feel on that point?

Whole Foods Employees Ask For a Union

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/14 12:54PM

Whole Foods has had a pretty bad year. Its stock cratered in 2014, as lower-cost competitors undercut its prices. But now earnings are up, the stock is on the rise, and the company has a new problem: some of its workers would like a union.

Working for Tips Is a Path to Poverty

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/14 11:07AM

Ever so slowly, a consensus that the minimum wage must be raised significantly is taking hold in America. But one group of workers could still be left behind: tipped workers, who, a new study says, are even more impoverished than minimum wage-earners.

Reality TV Stories: "Who in Here Is a Jew?"

Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/14 10:54AM

The rumbles of workplace discontent among reality television workers are not stopping. Some hopeful signs are emerging. But shitty conditions in the industry persist. Let's hear more!

Does Organized Labor Have a Future? Ask Stanley Aronowitz

Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/14 10:50AM

Economic inequality in America has reached staggering levels. Union membership has reached all time lows. What is the future of labor in America? Let's discuss it right now, with author and labor expert Stanley Aronowitz.