In 2010, Mary Kay Henry was elected president of the 2 million-member Service Employees International Union. She's played major roles in ongoing battles over labor rights, wages, immigration, and health care. She's here to answer your questions now.

Henry, the SEIU's first female president, is one of the most influential and politically active labor leaders in America. Her union is playing a large role in organizing the ongoing push to increase wages for fast-food workers and Walmart workers. She's advocated for universal health care, immigration reform, gay rights, and, perhaps most importantly, more money for working Americans. The SEIU does more attention-grabbing organizing among low-wage workers than any other union in America at the moment.

Henry and the SEIU are currently involved in their final week of issues campaigning before the 2014 midterm elections, which could well prove detrimental to their interests in Congress.

Ask Mary Kay Henry about labor, inequality, politics, organizing, or anything else in our comments section RIGHT NOW.

[Image via SEIU]