
Wisconsin Is Trying to Take Away the Right to a Weekend

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/15 03:00PM

In Wisconsin, Republicans led by Scott Walker has done an amazing job of destroying public unions and handing all power over the workplace back to business interests. Now, with little fanfare, they want to take away the right for workers to have a single day off.

Choose Life for Public Unions

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/15 11:25AM

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that challenged the ability of unions to require everyone in a workplace to pay dues. Here is what is at stake in this case: the very existence of public unions.

Fact: Union Members Earn More Money

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/15 01:08PM

If you are not in a union, you are leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars in lifetime earnings on the table. And the CEO is tilting that table, so it all spills into his pocket.

Gawker Media Votes To Unionize

Gawker Media Staff · 06/04/15 07:19AM

Yesterday, more than 100 Gawker Media editorial employees voted on the question of whether to be represented by the Writers Guild of America, East for the purpose of collective bargaining—that is, whether we want to form a union. The results are in.

Walmart's Leaked Anti-Union Training Video: This Isn't About You

Ashley Feinberg · 05/19/15 11:10AM

Walmart’s gotten a lot of heat recently for suddenly shutting down five stores in four different states—supposedly to fix five simultaneous sets of “plumbing problems,” which makes a lot of sense if “plumbing” actually means “unions.” Because as you can see in the video above, Walmart really hates plumbing.

Walmart's Advice to 2,200 Laid Off Workers: Don't Eat Chocolate

Ashley Feinberg · 04/28/15 12:07PM

Earlier this month, Walmart suddenly and mysteriously closed five stores in four different states, citing “plumbing problems” as the reason for the six-month closure. The company’s advice to the thousands of employees it had just laid off? Don’t stress, avoid chocolate.

Why We've Decided to Organize 

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/15 01:31PM

Some of us on the Gawker Media editorial staff have decided to try to unionize. Here's a brief explanation.

Workers Who Clean Our Government Offices Say They're Being Ripped Off

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/15 09:18AM

This morning, a group of low-wage contract workers who do jobs for the federal government are filing a complaint claiming wage theft. Even the janitor who cleans the Secretary of Education's office says she's not being paid what she deserves. [UPDATED below.]

Tiptoeing Toward the End of Tipping 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/25/15 11:47AM

Yesterday, it was announced that New York state will raise its minimum wage for tipped workers by a hefty 50%, to $7.50 an hour. This is one small step toward ending the tyranny of tipping.