According a source close to his family, Bruce Jenner is transitioning from male to female, People reports. TMZ reports that Jenner began the process more than a year ago.

"Bruce is transitioning to a woman," People's source said. "He is finally happy and his family is accepting of what he's doing. He's in such a great space. That's why it's the perfect time to do something like this."

An unnamed transgender community leader told TMZ that they've known about Jenner's transition for "way more than a year." Tabloids have been speculating about about it for at least that long. "Instead of completely shocking everyone," People's source said, "his changes have been subtle, and his family has had the chance to slowly get used to his new looks and life."

TMZ reports that Jenner's family plans to gradually begin discussing his transition publicly. Both People and TMZ are well-sourced with the Kardashians, and it makes sense that—if this is a planned, slow roll-out—they'd leak to the more-respectable People first.

Meanwhile, when Entertainment Tonight asked Kim Kardashian this week whether Jenner was "going through" something, she said, "I think that Bruce should tell his story his way... That story and what Bruce is going through I think he'll share whenever the time is right."

Both TMZ and People also report that Jenner is filming a "docuseries" to be released later this year, supposedly about his transition.

[Photo credit: AP Images]