
Kids Fined for Operating Lemonade Stand Without Permit

Matt Cherette · 06/17/11 12:27AM

What's worse than a story about how a group of children were fined $500 by Montgomery County for operating a lemonade stand without a permit outside the site of this weekend's US Open? How about the fact that they were going to donate their proceeds to a pediatric cancer-fighting charity? Don't worry, though, because all the middle-aged men charging $50 to park on their lawns are doing just fine. [via WUSA]

Man Shoots 12-Year-Old for Ringing and Running

Richard Lawson · 06/14/11 02:29PM

A Louisville, KY man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder for shooting a kid who was playing Ring and Run, ringing someone's doorbell then running away, with his friends. When his doorbell rang, 56-year-old Michael Bishop ran outside with his shotgun and fired in the direction of the fleeing kids, hitting a 12-year-old boy. So beware, neighborhood pranksters. [Courier-Journal, photo via Shutterstock]

Grownups Are Worried About The Chronic

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/11 11:58AM

In the olden days, your parents used to smoke weed that was not chemically distinguishable from banana peels, which gave them a "hippy dippy" feeling, the most dangerous side effect of which was an affinity for neo-folk tunes. Today, you kids smoke chronic and shoot each other, or at least make up "freestyle raps" about same.

Why Not Let Little Kids on Facebook?

Adrian Chen · 05/24/11 05:11PM

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is taking heat for recent comments he made about how he'd like to let kids under 13 on Facebook. Let the kids play, we say.

Survey Says Ronald McDonald Is 'Creepy'

Jeff Neumann · 05/18/11 06:34AM

Do you think Ronald McDonald is creepy? Same here. All clowns are creepy. Just don't try telling that to McDonald's executives, who say he is "a force for good" in this cruel, cruel world.

Lazy Larry the Melatonin Brownie's 'Heinous' Marketing

Jeff Neumann · 05/16/11 02:45AM

Two mayors in Massachusetts are livid over brownies called Lazy Cakes, that contain 8mg of sleep aid melatonin, saying the cartoon on the package is a scheme to attract children. The mayors of Fall River and New Bedford now want them banned. One doctor called the Lazy Cakes marketing scheme "heinous," while one mayor called it "despicable." So much anger, man. But the company told the Boston Herald that Lazy Larry, the budget brownie version of Sponge Bob, isn't meant to attract kids at all:

The Lingering 'Curse' of Senior Superlatives

Jeff Neumann · 05/11/11 06:28AM

Way back in senior year of high school, you were probably so jealous of whoever was voted "Most Likely to Succeed," weren't you? Okay, probably not. But have you ever thought of the long term psychological effects of trying to live up that? We certainly wouldn't know what that's like, but apparently it's not very easy! In fact, many see it as "a curse" later in life.

Facebook Is Swarming With Little Kids

Adrian Chen · 05/10/11 01:21PM

Facebook is like the world's biggest elementary school, with 5 million kids under the age of 10, according to a new special report by Consumer Reports. This, even though Facebook officially doesn't allow anyone under the age of 13.

New Jersey May Ban Photographing Kids

Max Read · 05/09/11 07:15PM

Attention! Parents! Alert! Is your child out, in the public? A sex perv may be photographing your child right now, for his own, nefarious/sexual purposes. That's why New Jersey lawmakers have proposed a bill that would ban photographs of kids.

Beyoncé Sneaks Up on Teen Girls Dancing to Her Song

Maureen O'Connor · 05/04/11 01:24PM

There are ways to summon magical beings: A tooth under the pillow summons the tooth fairy. Clapping saves Tinkerbell. And a gymnasium full of school children line dancing to "Move Your Body" guarantees that Beyoncé shows up. Here's another video of stiletto-clad Beyoncé materializing during a "Move Your Body" workout, this time at P.S. 161 in Harlem. Apparently giving tween girls heart attacks is part of Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign? Although these girls are actually pretty blasé. I can't decide if they knew that Beyoncé was coming, or were just like, "Oh, like the viral video. Duh."

Bush's 9/11 Storytime Kids Are Now 16 and Happy Bin Laden's Dead

Seth Abramovitch · 05/04/11 02:23AM

The students of Sandra Kay Daniels' 2nd grade class at Emma E. Booker Elementary School, in Sarasota, FL., were accidental footnotes to history — eyewitnesses to President Bush's stunned, seven-minute reaction to the news that the World Trade Center had been struck by hijacked passenger planes on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Even Kids Know That Charlie Sheen Is Crazy

Matt Cherette · 04/21/11 01:38AM

Over the past couple of months, any discerning adult should've had no problem concluding that Charlie Sheen is an insane, drug-addled trainwreck. But as this new video from the Fine Brothers shows, even children have no trouble figuring out how crazy Sheen is after watching some of his recent interviews.

Only Bad Parents Let Their Kids Play Wiffle Ball

Jeff Neumann · 04/19/11 04:13AM

If you're a parent in New York and your kid is playing wiffle ball, tag or Red Rover this summer well, you're a horrible person. The New York Department of Health has drafted a list of "risky recreational activities" that could potentially kill or maim your kid this summer, and the previously mentioned games fit that bill. The list is an attempt to clamp down on deadly summer camps: