
Man Buys Every Pie at Local Burger King to Spite Shitty Little Brat

Dayna Evans · 08/06/14 03:09PM

Kids are annoying no matter how you slice it, but if they are crying their heads off and yelling "I want fucking pie!" when you're in line at a Burger King, the only natural recourse is to then buy every single pie in sight so that the kid just has to fucking deal. One man, a Gawker hero, claims on Reddit to have done just that.

Little Girl Cries Because She Doesn't Want Her Baby Brother to Grow Up

Jay Hathaway · 07/30/14 08:39AM

Sadie, age 5, has just confronted the fact that her adorable baby brother won't stay a baby forever. His little baby smiles will soon become slightly-less-adorable toddler smiles. And eventually, the icy finger of death will beckon her, her brother, and all of us. Probably when we're a hundred.

U.K. Mom Says Giant Fake Boobs Make Her a Better Parent

Jay Hathaway · 07/25/14 11:45AM

A Suffolk, U.K. woman says she had her breasts enhanced from an A to a G cup because her discomfort with them got in the way of raising her two-year-old son. Now that she has her implants, she's basically the mum of the year.

2-Year-Old Amputee Learns to Walk, Refuses to Quit

Jay Hathaway · 07/08/14 11:55AM

2-year-old Kayden Elijah Kinckle was born with an omphalocele, a defect in his intestinal wall that caused his intestines and other organs to stick out through his navel. He also had "a band wrap around his legs and feet when he was in the womb," his mom writes, which led to the amputation of his right foot and left leg.

Infant Abandoned on Columbus Circle Subway Platform

Aleksander Chan · 07/07/14 05:47PM

A seven-month-old girl was apparently abandoned Monday on a subway platform at Columbus Circle. Witnesses claim seeing a woman walk the child in its stroller off a northbound 1 train, leave the stroller and the child on the platform, and then turn around and get back on the train.

An Adorable Four-Year-Old Detective Solved a Burglary at Her House

Andy Cush · 06/25/14 01:20PM

Abby Dean, a four-year-old from Washington, Wisc., was at home with a babysitter when two teenagers broke into her house and stole an Xbox, Wii, iPod, and her kitty coin bank. The babysitter told police both culprits were black and looked like Dean's next-door neighbors.