Abby Dean, a four-year-old from Washington, Wisc., was at home with a babysitter when two teenagers broke into her house and stole an Xbox, Wii, iPod, and her kitty coin bank. The babysitter told police both culprits were black and looked like Dean's next-door neighbors.

She wasn't counting on Dean's capacity for observation. The (white) burglars were in fact the (racist?) babysitter's own 16-year-old boyfriend and his friend, who had conspired with the sitter to stage the home invasion. Dean spoke up as soon as police detained Cody Oaks, the innocent neighbor, pointing out that the perpetrators were white. Shortly thereafter, the babysitter owned up, Oaks was released, and the stolen gadgets were returned.

'That was really her being bad," the toddler detective said, succinctly, in an interview with a local Fox outlet. "She's not a good babysitter."