
What Happened to Teen Smoking?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/13 09:32AM

The latest numbers are in. They're grim. Take a seat. Take a deep breath. Prepare yourself for what we're about to tell you. Parents of America, we regret to inform you: only 5% of your teens are daily smokers. What the fuck is going on?

Tufts University Asks Applicants: “What does #YOLO mean to you?"

Caity Weaver · 07/11/13 05:38PM

Tufts University, a former clown college that rose through the ranks to become one of America's most prestigious safety schools, likes to have fun on its applications. For years, it's been asking prospective students to submit quirky YouTube videos demonstrating how their quirky YouTube videos are better than other applicants' quirky YouTube videos. In 2010, it invited applicants to "create something" out of a sheet of paper. It's fun in the way your old job made you wear a sombrero on your birthday "because we like to have fun here!" It's just really, really fun.

Charges Dropped Against Kid Who Rapped About the Boston Bombing

Camille Dodero · 06/28/13 05:14PM

Cameron D'Ambrosio spent more than 30 days in jail for a Facebook post. On May 1, the high-school senior from Methuen, Massachusetts was playing hooky when he posted rap lyrics that referenced the Boston Marathon bombing and called the White House a "federal house of horror." His school contacted the local cops, who arrested the kid and charged him with "terroristic threats," a felony punishable for up to 20 years in prison.

Kids These Days Just as Dumb as You Were

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/13 08:38AM

Every once in a while you run into one of these fresh-mouthed young high school graduates declaring they're going to "change the world" with their "apps" and their "new paradigm" and their "great idea for an electronic dance beat." News flash, kiddos: you're mediocre at best, just like your old man.

America's Kids Under Constant Threat of Being Crushed by Toilet Seats

Caity Weaver · 06/17/13 05:36PM

Toilet seats: your penis belongs dangling in front them, not crushed underneath them, but try telling that to America’s dumb kids. A new study published in urology journal BJU International (summarized in Reuters under the ominous headline “Falling toilet seats: Rare but growing risk for boys”) found that emergency room visits prompted by toilet seats slamming down onto little boys’ penises with the righteous fury of an angry God increased by a rate of 100 per year between 2002 and 2010.

Young People Don't Want to Read Your Boring, Age-Appropriate Books

Maggie Lange · 06/12/13 10:31AM

Millennials these days are so busy fiddling with their technological gadgets and maintaining their #personalbrands, they have basically forgotten how to read like grown-ups. The youth of today are eschewing realism and historical fiction in favor of fantasy, horror, and sci-fi novels. As part of NPR's month-long look at the media consumed by today's youth, they examine what these modern reading habits means for today's reading children.