
Someone Please Hire All the Teenagers

Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/13 09:56AM

Just as "high school" was invented as a way to keep teenagers off the streets most of the year, "summer jobs" were invented as a way to keep them off the streets for the remainder of the year. But even five years after the Great Recession struck, summer jobs are as scarce as [reference to some teen-specific buzzword here]. Can someone hire these fucking kids, please?

Kids Need More Coffee and Less Ritalin

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/13 11:21AM

Kids these days are straight up zooted and bouncing off the emergency room walls, thanks to copious supplies of Adderrall and Ritalin and all the other ADHD drugs that they got from you. (They learned it by watching you, okay?) If we'd simply been giving our kids Vivarin this whole time, none of this would have happened.

Afghanistan's College Students Are Just Like Ours: Dumb and Angry

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 09:53AM

When the violence, strife, and cold-blooded realpolitik world of international relations starts to get you down, take heart in this truth: no matter where you go— from Kansas City to Kabul— college kids will be angry, shouty, and dumb.

The College Boom Has Peaked

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/13 09:31AM

An entire generation of Americans has been sold the idea of higher education as a panacea for all ills. That generation of Americans is now shackled with giant and unsustainable levels of student debt. And now, it appears that the big college tidal wave has crested, and is beginning to crash down.

Kids of the Future Will Be Denied Sweet Taco Bell Memories

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/13 08:37AM

There are some things that make you reminisce wistfully on your own childhood and realize, "yeah, things were better back then." Like today's so-called "music." Or today's so-called "fashion." Or when Taco Bell announces they're ending their kids meals.

Subway ‘Sandwich Artist’ Puts Penis on Bread, Posts Pic on Instagram

Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/22/13 06:15PM

You'd think that, with the recent rash of news stories covering fast food employees getting canned for posting photos of themselves mishandling food to their social media accounts, other restaurant industry workers would arrive at the conclusion that following in their footsteps would be a bad move on their part.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/13 09:50AM

Have you talked with your teen about the dangers of inhaling blow darts?