In an epic, 27-minute-long rant, Kanye West vowed to stop talking shit "for a long time."

"Everything I'm saying that's not allowed, soak it in right now," West told a crowd of Canadians at his last Yeezy Tour show last Monday. "This might be the last time y'all hear me talk shit for a long time. Might be another, like, six months. At least. You're just gonna have to run back the interviews and shit if you wanna hear some realness."

Ye's decision to go G-rated stands in contrast to his anti-Grammy remarks earlier this month.

"People come to me and they congratulate me on those two nominations," he told the audience at a Phoenix show on December 10, referring to his two Grammy nominations for Best Rap Album (Yeezus) and Best Rap Song ("New Slaves"). "Fuck those nominations."

During his Toronto show, West vowed to "never bring up the Grammys again in a negative light, because I actually appreciate the 21 Grammys that I did win."

He directed a similar promise at Nike, saying he owes his deal with Adidas to the shoe company, and "actually appreciate the opportunity to have been able to make my own shoe with them."

"So I'm letting you all now that this is the last Yeezus show," he concluded, "and this is the last time you'll ever hear me say [anything] negative about anyone."

In related news, only eight percent of people report success in achieving their New Year's resolution.

[video via NME]