
Rick Santorum Is a Coward

Ashley Feinberg · 07/20/16 06:45PM

CLEVELAND — As we all know, the Kanye West/Taylor Swift “Famous” fiasco reached new heights on Monday when Kim Kardashian released footage of Swift signing off on the supposedly offending lyrics. And ever since, the entire country has been waiting with bated breath for Senator Rick Santorum to finally break his silence on the matter. However, as Gawker uncovered earlier today—Rick Santorum is a coward.

George W. Bush Denies Participating in Kanye Orgy

Marina Galperina · 06/27/16 12:20PM

George W. Bush, former president of the United States of America, would like you to know that this isn’t him in a post-fuck cuddle line in that “Famous” video.

Kanye West Thinks His Wife's Stupid App Is a Rip-Off

John Cook · 10/09/15 11:10PM

Fatherhood changes a man, which explains why Twitter oracle Kanye West took a charmingly domestic turn tonight, warning parents everywhere of the dangers that stupid little iPad games present when placed in the hands of children: Those stubby little fingers will click on those colorful in-app purchase buttons, racking up charges to daddy’s iTunes account.

Kanye Is Right (About His Albums)

Jordan Sargent · 10/06/15 12:01PM

Today in an interview, Kanye West said that his most beloved and respected album—the sprawling 2010 monstrosity My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy—is not his best. Let’s once again celebrate Kanye for being right.

All I Need to Know About Pregnancy I Learned From Kim Kardashian

Allie Jones · 08/28/15 11:19AM

Kim Kardashian is currently pregnant with her second child. This is great for Kim and Kanye West and also me personally, because Kim likes to share. While more guarded celebrities have gone to great lengths to conceal the havoc pregnancy wreaks on their otherwise flawless bodies, Kim is real—and a real wellspring of information.

Brendan O'Connor · 05/03/15 01:35PM

“I’m changing my album name to SWISH,” Kanye tweeted. “I might change it again but that’s the name now.” Just so you know!

Freedom Song: A Conversation About the State of Black Liberation Music

Jason Parham · 03/25/15 01:45PM

In the lyric pamphlet to Black Messiah, D'Angelo's third album after 14 years away from the spotlight, the soul-savant explains his reasoning behind its title and sudden release: "Some will jump to the conclusion that I am calling myself a Black Messiah," he begins. "For me the title is about all of us...It's about people rising up in Ferguson and in Egypt and in Occupy Wall Street and in every place where a community has had enough and decides to make change happen. It's not about celebrating one charismatic leader but celebrating thousands of them."

Kanye West's Oxford Lecture Is 20 Minutes of "The Best, Illest Quotes"

Jay Hathaway · 03/03/15 02:20PM

There is no way to begin a report about Kanye West's Monday lecture at the Oxford Guild Business Society that would be better or more telling than Yeezy's own opening remarks: "OK, everyone please be completely quiet, because I can literally hear a whisper, and it'll throw off my stream of consciousness, and when I get my stream of consciousness going that's when I give the best, illest quotes."

The Emperor's New Clothes: On Kanye West, Fashion Designer of Dope Shit™

Jason Parham · 02/16/15 05:30PM

Let's, for one minute, forget that Kanye West is a platinum-selling, chart-topping music artist who has released six highly regarded solo albums in the last decade (to say nothing of his recording broship with Jay Z, production work on various rap and R&B albums, and outsized influence on popular culture). I want to talk about Kanye West, Fashion Designer of Dope Shit™. I've previously considered Kanye's multitudes and his import as a public figure on Gawker—he's "helped to unsettle this idea of how a black man should act or talk or love when others are watching"—but the New York Fashion Week debut of Yeezy Season 1, his first Adidas Originals collection, warrants examination once again, of both the designs and the designer.

Good Morning America Takes Kanye-Paul McCartney Jokes Very Seriously

Andy Cush · 01/05/15 05:19PM

On New Year's Day, Kanye West released "Only One," a piano ballad written and performed in collaboration with Paul McCartney. Yeezus pairing up with the most genial Beatle was exciting if a little befuddling, and several people took to Twitter to make the same joke at Sir Paul's expense. Good Morning America didn't get it.