
We Are All Gossips Now. Let's Start Acting Like It

John Cook · 11/03/11 04:56PM

For the past week, American's finest news institutions—those self-identified defenders of journalistic propriety against the teeming online hordes—have been tripping over themselves to publish vague, contextless, detail-free, anonymous accusations about the sex life of presidential candidate. Hey, that's our job!

Alt-Weeklies Need Sex And Drugs to Survive

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/11 01:59PM

In your throwback Thursday media column: protests loom at the Village Voice, layoffs at the LAT, Fox Business Network continues right on track, powerful people in the media, and a new Women's Health editor.

Jared Kushner Just Launching Any Old Paper Now

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/11 01:28PM

In your wispy Wednesday media column: Jared Kushner's latest scheme, Michele Norris's replacement, the gradual death of print continues, Harper's Bazaar revamps, and Chris Matthews make a funny.

Manners Down South: Killed by Anecdotes

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/11 09:26AM

Everyone knows that people in America's Northeast, Northwest, and Southwest regions are sociopaths with no regard for others. We don't even need to mention that widely accepted fact. Everyone also knows that the final haven of "manners" here in our nation of animals is the Southeast region, where people still say "Yes ma'am" and shit like that, no matter how corny it sounds, because they love Jesus—and manners.

In Defense of Journalistic Facelessness

Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/11 10:55AM

The mighty, omniscient "journalistic tone" is largely a convenient myth. Newspapers and other media outlets long adopted this self-assured institutional writing style which admitted no doubt as a way to appear more knowledgeable than they really were. The internet, with its radical transparency and focus on personality, has eaten away at this obfuscating tone. Which is good. Sometimes.

Tallest Midget Alert: DC's 'Bad Boy Reporter'

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/11 02:42PM

In your frigid Friday media column: DC has a "Bad boy" reporter, Brian Williams discusses the Twitter, a Reuters plagiarism kerfuffle, a CNNer becomes a flack, and Gene Weingarten gripes.

NBC Announces: 'Rock Center' to Be Completely Derivative

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/11 02:06PM

In your misty Thursday media column: NBC's newsmagazine will be like every other newsmagazine show, a lawsuit against HuffPo goes forward, the WaPo's chairman leaves, the NYDN screws up, and a press release newswire war.

Where Is Hipness Occurring in America Today?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/11 12:35PM

The first rule of hipness is that hip people talk about "hipness" a lot. When you're around someone who uses the word "hip" a lot, well, you know that hipness is in the air, because nothing is hipper than bandying about the word "hip" as it relates to "hipness," in both writing and casual conversation.

Christiane Amanpour Not a Fan of ABC's Dynamic Journalism?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/11 01:45PM

In your wacky Wednesday media column: Christiane Amanpour's reportedly unhappy, the New Orleans paper's crazy Twitter scheme, the Hackgate Phone Zero located, and Wikileaks isn't so easy to copy after all.

Psst: Nobody Needs a Magazine About 'Social Media'

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/11 08:34AM

Here's the thing about the internet sites Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google: you do not need to read a magazine about them. For one thing, if you want to learn about them, you can simply type their address into your internet browser, and there they are, updated constantly, by the second, rather than monthly, as would be a case with a magazine. Want to know more? Why not read one of the thousands and thousands of blogs and online news sites that talk about them each and every day?

Will the Media Follow the Military Out of Iraq?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/11 02:10PM

In your trippin Tuesday media column: post-pullout Iraq media plans, Dylan Byers to Politico, Harvey Levin lectures, a Bloomberg discrimination lawsuit, and rumors of layoffs at Martha Stewart Living.

Michele Norris Leaves NPR for Husband's Dumb Job Thing

Hamilton Nolan · 10/24/11 01:05PM

In your magic Monday media column: Michele Norris takes a hiatus at NPR, fuckery at Gannett, The Daily Beast TV is here, newspapers roll out a false slogan, and Charlie Rose on morning television would be... good.

The Double Dip Newspaper Recession Is Coming

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/11 02:05PM

In your finally Friday media column: News Corp's annual spanking ensues, The Chicago Tribune's poor, the NYT's modest digital growth, cable news loves the gays, a Tim Hetherington exhibit, and I tell you which boxing blog to read.

Nationwide Layoffs Hit Village Voice Media

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/11 02:01PM

In your tragic Thursday media column: more info on the companywide layoffs at Village Voice Media, the NYT Co. makes money, a Washington Post heiress has a bright idea, The Economist screws up, and newspaper layoffs are back.

More Staffers Laid Off at The Village Voice

Hamilton Nolan · 10/19/11 02:46PM

In your drizzly Wednesday media column: a prime time shakeup at MSNBC, key staffers laid off at the Village Voice, Reuters' editor writes a crappy memo, The Daily does something right, and Gary Knell's upcoming ass kissing campaign.