The End of Sam Zell, Tribune Gnome of Ruin?
In your dehydrated Tuesday media column: Sam Zell may be looking for a new business, a discrimination suit against the WSJ, Sharon Waxman has no idea who anyone is, and more!

Is this the end of Sam Zell, failed newspaperman? The NYP says the gnomish, mean rich man is "on the verge of giving up his claims to buy a huge stake in the company and, according to a source familiar with the matter, is ready to walk away from the company." Tribune Co. employees—whose money Zell used to buy the bankrupt company—will be happy to see him go. But not as sad as they were to see him come.

A federal judge ruled that former WSJ assistant managing editor Carolyn Phillips can pursue her lawsuit alleging that Dow Jones fired her in 2002 because she was black. The WSJ's former editors deny it all. And Rupert Murdoch is just cold sitting back being like "I didn't even own the paper back then, suckas." Then he fires a black person somewhere, just for fun.

Former NYT Hollywood reporter Sharon Waxman didn't like the NYT's (pretty awesome I thought!) profile of Harvey Weinstein last weekend—for one thing it was by a reporter Waxman referred to as "David Segal (um, who?)." Turns out she worked with him at the Washington Post and even shared a byline with him. Our editor Gabriel Snyder knows Hollywood and would probably have something insightful to say here, but unfortunately I have no idea who Gabriel Snyder is.
[New insta-joke: "UM WHO?" Haha!]

"Huffington Post + Facebook = the Future of Journalism." No.