
Jon Voight Heightens Election-Year Stakes With Patriotic 'Screw Obama' Op-Ed

Seth Abramovitch · 07/29/08 02:20PM

Not since Donald Sutherland unleashed a spittle-flecked torrent of anti-Hillarian propaganda in The Huffington Post—denouncing the candidate's "wretched illegitimacy," as if she had ruined Canadian Thanksgiving by pulling off a rubber Kiefer mask to reveal her cackling identity beneath—have we been so shaken by a celebrity-penned attack on a Democratic candidate: National Treasure: Book of Secrets star/estranged grandfather Jon Voight has dared to zig when the Obama-loving free world zags in the op-ed pages of the Washington Times:

Film's Venerable Actors Shuffling On Over to Television

Richard Lawson · 06/17/08 11:15AM

All the olds are moving to TV. Jon Voight, 69, announced today that he'll be appearing on the next season of 24, Fox's jingo-jango rah-rah Republican hour. This comes on the heels of the news that William Hurt, 58, will be joining Damages, FX's slick show about wicked lawyers, and that crazy old Dennis Hopper, 72, is set to star in the new Crash series, based on the stupid movie. Hopper has done series before, but these Oscar-nominated (and winning) actors still represent an increasingly popular trend. Movie stars, especially those of a certain age, are making the leap to television.

Jon Voight to be New 24 Baddie!

ian spiegelman · 06/14/08 02:31PM

I haven't watched Fox's 24 since like the second season, but I'm thinking I'll have to tune in next year now that supercool Midnight Cowboy and Deliverance legend Jon Voight is joining the cast. "Jon Voight has been cast as the villain on the upcoming season of the Fox drama '24.' The seventh season kicks off in January, though Voight will make his first appearance during a two-hour 'prequel' episode to air in November, Chris Alexander, a spokesman for the show, said Friday."

Jon Voight's Teeth Move Into the Red-Carpet Catering Business

STV · 05/30/08 03:15PM

Either Jon Voight dined alone before attending this week's Dirty Harry DVD re-release event, or his date hates him. We can think of no other explanation for the unfortunate tooth-bound leftovers caught by paparazzi outside the theater, whose reckless pursuit of tabloid infamy has nothing on the ever-elusive "Incisor Salad" shot — a celebrity catch ranking somewhere between "drunken mug shot" and "B-list baby" (e.g. spawn of Alba, Richards, Richie, etc.). We salute the classy shutterbug who nabbed the close-up you'll find after the jump; moreover, besides the live plant jutting from his grill, we have got admit Voight is looking terrific these days.

The Gwyneth Paltrow Hotness Train Hits First Jumpsuit-Adorned Speed Bump

Molly Friedman · 05/01/08 12:50PM

Gwyneth Paltrow was certainly on a roll when it came to revamping her ice queen image with repeated appearances in bad girl ensembles revealing all kinds of T&A. And we did appreciate the fact that she earnestly tried to justify her new call girl look by explaining that she sucks so hard at the whole acting thing. But at last night's Iron Man premiere in LA, we fear Paltrow's hit a speed bump when it comes to comprehending exactly what "sexy" means. Last we heard, wide-legged jumpsuits showcasing only her clavicle and shoulder blades weren't topping the lists of most male fantasy outfits. But despite falling off the hotness wagon temporarily, Paltrow did manage to pose for a photo that won't exactly improve the week of drug tape-addled Angelina Jolie, baby mama to Paltrow's former fiancé.

The Greatest Whores of the Silver Screen

ian spiegelman · 03/22/08 09:07AM

Entertainment Weekly gets in on the fiery death of Eliot Spitzer's every last hope and dream with a list! Predictably, the mag's "25 Hollywood Hookers" reserves its top spot for the Julia Roberts fantasy Pretty Woman. But it does give a nod to Jon Voight's awesome Joe Buck from Midnight Cowboy. Better yet, there's a full-body shot of a teen Jody Foster in the pedo-bait outfit that helped make Taxi Driver such an iconic must-see. [EW]

Colin Farrell And Companion Enjoy Coffee-Based Beverages On Westside

seth · 10/02/07 03:16PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Dave Matthews succumbing to the Sprinkles scourge.

Sam Jackson On A Hollywood Dancefloor

seth · 09/11/07 03:27PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted LeVar Burton's Roots-inspired vanity plates.