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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted LeVar Burton's Roots-inspired vanity plates.

In today's episode: Samuel L. Jackson; James Woods; Jon Voight; Matthew Rhys; Will Arnett, Andy Samberg, Maya Rudolph, Busy Philipps, Will Forte, Bob Odenkirk, Lee Majors, Amy Poehler and Masi Oka; Selma Blair; Howie Mandel; Joss Whedon; Peter Stormare, Christopher Titus, and Beth Broderick; Jonathan Silverman; Victor Garber; Jay Mohr and Nikki Cox; LeVar Burton; Lea Thompson; Gary Dourdan; and Andy Milonakis.

· Last night my roommate and I wandered into Tokio on Cahuenga only to see the real retards from "The Real World: Hollywood" crowding the bar. And none other than a low key, very young looking Samuel L. Jackson, scanning the dance floor. He didn't have his Royale with Cheese, a lightsaber, or a snake, but he did have his Kangol hat.

· Sept 9 - James Woods and his 21 year old girlfriend (yeah...) were at my table at the Commerce Casino on Friday night. He was cool enough, she was loud, obnoxious and ordered a massage at the poker table. Oddly enough James Woods was wearing these bizarre poker elbow pads so he could lean on the table for an extended period of time.

· Saturday, September 8 Jon Voight on my flight from Nashville to LA. I tried to ask him if he used to own a LeBaron and he bit me.

· First sighting. Sunday morning at Bread Bar Century City. We were among the earliest patrons here for breakfast at 10, but the real early bird was Jon Voight, who exited the restaurant, solo, about 5 mins after we arrived. Totally innocuous - I almost mistook him for anybody's 60 yr old dad, but for that powerful glare of his.

Later the same day, at Whole Foods West Hollywood, was bumped into by a very polite Matthew Rhys (Kevin from Brothers and Sisters), who apologized in his Welsh accent. Actually looks younger than he does on screen. Yeah, kinda on the short side, but very cute in his black T and camo shorts. Drives a silver Prius - adorable AND socially conscious to boot!

· Friday 9/7: The celebrity sighting die hards might not approve since this was at a "premiere," but I'm not so sure that "premiere" counts if it's at a janky Mann Theatre in Westwood and you had to buy tickets. Anywho, at the Brothers Solomon "premiere" it was a veritable B+ celebrity buffet. First up: walking behind Will Arnett while crossing the street (handsome); waiting for the rest of my party, Andy Samberg driving a KIA whilst feverishly waving at Maya Rudolph (adorable) who's standing on the corner; Busy Philipps (adorable and fashionable), Will Forte, Bob Odenkirk, Lee Majors (yikes), Amy Poehler and Masi Oka (which in retrospect is now pretty sweetits since just last night I watched Season One: Disc One of Heroes and I think I'm gonna LURV it).

· Monday, Sept 10: In a world gone green, it is nice to see some celebrities embracing their inner planet hater. Saw Selma Blair turning onto Abbot Kinney Blvd off some random little side street around 6PM in a brand new black escalade-ish gas guzzling mobile. Nothing screams "Screw You Environment" like an emissions spewing SUV chugging through the environmental militant heartland that is Venice.

· Sunday, 9/9: Dropped by Barnes & Noble at Calabasas Commons with the family and spotted Commons regular Howie Mandel sitting at a table at the Starbucks cafe. Kind of amusing since we usually see him at Corner Bakery at the other end of the mall. Made eye contact when I first walked into the store but Howie's OCD kicked in and he quickly looked down at the table. His germophobic hands were also rigidly folded in his lap. He was with a small group of other people, including a weird-looking dude with a bowl haircut and an earring and a middle-aged blonde woman who looked vaguely familar and attracted the attention of some high-school age girls, but I couldn't figure out who she was despite an IMDb search.

· Monday 9-10 Just saw Joss Whedon at a Starbucks in Santa Monica (15th and Montana) listening to his iPod. He was rocking a single diamond stud earring and he ordered something with chocolate. All hail the Nerd King. I wanted to tell him that I just bought Serenity used for $6 but I don't think he'd be too impressed.

· Friday 9.7 Formosa Cafe
Spotted Peter Stormare (aka "I shoved Buscemi in a wood chipper"), Beth Broderick (aka Aunt Zelda from Sabrina, The Teenage Witch...hate that I recognized her from that, but so be it), and Christopher Titus (he can be described as "strapping"...seriously, who knew he was such a big guy?). They were not together. I'm still shocked at how much bigger Titus is in person than I expected him to be...then again, I haven't watched a single thing he's ever been in, I just recognized him from the ads for the new gig he's got...forgot the name.
Saturday 9.8 Formosa Cafe
Jonathan Silverman. I think. Waiting patiently by the bathrooms for a lady.

· Sept. 10 - Jack Bristow himself, four-time Tony Award nominee Victor Garber was spotted shopping at the Barney's in The Grove with who looked to be his girlfriend's mother—an opinion held because I find it hard to believe that a middle-aged actor of respectable success would actually be in a relationship with someone his own age.

· Happy family Jay Mohr and Nikki Cox with Jay's young son going into Studio Yogurt at Laurel Canyon & Ventura on Sunday early evening. Good lookin' crew, the couple tan (not orange) and fit, wearing lazy Sunday togs—though her plaid pants were a little cringe-tastic. Looked like they were out for the afternoon, very low-key just enjoying some family time.

· Butterfly in the sky! 9/2: LeVar Burton @ Phillips' Barbecue on Crenshaw. I shit you not, his vanity plate says KUNTA.

· Saturday night at around 1000am, Lea Thompson and Malcolm Gets (both from 'Caroline in the City') were dining among friends at Swinger's Restaurant on Beverly Blvd.

· Just saw Gary Dourdan (everybody's favorite sassy former gambling addict on CSI) enjoying a little Saturday night (9/8) shopping at Century City's Bloomingdales with an adorable girl who I will assume is his daughter. Because it would be weird if it wasn't.

· Monday, Sept 10 7/11 on Sunset and La Brea. Andy Milonakis.