
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 11/20/09 08:05AM

Give Joe Biden a high five. The Vice President of the United States turns 67 today. (Let's all hope he gets through the day without any more accidents.) The oldest member of Congress, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, turns 92 today. Former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton is 61. Mike D of the Beastie Boys turns 44. Joel McHale of The Soup and Community is turning 38. Pat Kiernan of NY1 is turning 41. Actress Sean Young is 50. Bo Derek turns 53. Author Don DeLillo is turning 73. TV anchor Judy Woodruff turns 63. Avant-garde performer Meredith Monk is 67. Tween star Cody Linley turns 20. Former Eagles member Joe Walsh is turning 62. And Mark Gastineau, the retired football star and father of Brittny, is 53. Below: A few folks celebrating birthdays this weekend, including Scarlett Johansson and Tina Brown.

Joe Biden Needs a Bicycle

cityfile · 11/18/09 03:30AM

If Joe Biden ever offers you a ride in his limo, politely decline and find another way to get where you're going. The vice president's motorcade was involved in a traffic accident late yesterday, his third in under a week. Biden was heading over to The Daily Show when one of the advance police cars in his motorcade crashed into a livery cab on 49th Street. Unlike his accident on Nov. 11, though, no one died this time around. While the unmarked cop car was a little worse for the wear, none of the cars' occupants were seriously injured. And the drama didn't prevent Biden from doing a smash-up job when he sat down with Jon Stewart either, so that's nice. [WCBS, NYDN]

Joe Biden Has a Car Curse

Maureen O'Connor · 11/18/09 03:23AM

The vice president's motorcade was in a midtown Manhattan crash last night, their third in one week (three means trend), one of which caused a fatality.

Who's Abandoning Twitter?

Ryan Tate · 07/09/09 11:11AM

Celebrity Twittering seems to be at an all-time high, which means it's time to brace for the inevitable comedown, when the fickle famous give up microblogging forever. Oprah Winfrey, ever the trend setter, is leading the charge.

Michael Bloomberg Will Not Be Intimidated

cityfile · 04/30/09 01:59PM

Joe Biden warned the public to avoid "confined spaces" like the subway when he appeared on the Today show this morning. So what did our fearless leader, Michael Rubens Bloomberg, do? He took the subway and went as far as to ask reporters to film him arriving at City Hall by train. Message communicated! But to make his arrival even more special, he also made sure he had a crisp copy of El Diario tucked under his arm, so not only did he reassure us all that we'll be fine amid the swine flu epidemic, he also demonstrated that he's still working on his Spanish. Multitasking in action, clearly.

Joe Biden: Run to the Hills, Run For Your Life

John Cook · 04/30/09 09:44AM

Joe Biden went on the Today Show this morning and very calmly explained that you are going to die from swine flu if you don't lock yourself in a safe room now.