Joe Biden is finally useful! Barack Obama has to appoint a Supreme Court justice, see, and his goofy Vice President used to be the guy in charge of torpedoing those nominations.

Biden was the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee for many years, and he voted on every single sitting justice besides John Paul Stevens, who is 100 years old and join the court when he quit Zeppelin at the end of the '70s. And while the Post makes sure to point out that Rahm Emanuel is the guy actually in charge of the search for the right activist liberal Hispanic lesbian under 40, they insist that Joe is totally consulting with Obama on each prospective nominee.

Biden rather hesitantly sank the nomination of radical anti-human lawyer Robert Bork and then a couple years later Biden helped shepherd through the marginally more acceptable idiot sexual harasser Clarence Thomas, so he knows exactly who will cause a giant Judiciary Committee shitshow.

But then this article kinda veers off into an irrelevant list of "places Joe Biden has traveled and will travel" and "nice things people have said about Joe Biden" so it is not really so much about Obama's eventual nominee as it is just "Swine Flu thing aside, Joe Biden is totally useful and smart, people close to Joe Biden insist."