
Imagining The Top Five Films In Eliot Spitzer's Netflix Queue

Molly Friedman · 03/13/08 01:19PM

In case you hadn't heard, recently resigned NY governor Eliot Spitzer likes call girls. A lot. And while we're still busy casting the inevitable movie of the week, our slideshow-obsessed friends over at Us dove into their archives to reminisce on the hooker-laced pasts of Hugh Grant, Eddie Murphy and escort king Charlie Sheen, who've all been caught with their pants (and dignities) down. But call girls don't always come in the form of silicone sketchballs straight out of the Bada Bing. Sometimes they have hearts of gold and charisma as thick as the air on the 101! If they're played by stars, that is. We dove into our own archives and selected our top five films that revolve around the World's Oldest Profession, flicks that will surely be making their way onto Eliot Spitzer's Netflix queue in no time.

Jodie Foster Returns To The Safety Of Her Glass-Walled Panic Room

Seth Abramovitch · 03/12/08 04:45PM

Despite what CNN entertainment correspondent Kiki King reported as hard news over a ticker reading "Jodie Foster...Star of Taxi Driver and The Accused...Total lesbian...Admitted so at Hollywood luncheon...Thanked someone called her 'beautiful Cydney'....Must be longtime girlfriend...Jodie Foster...Star of Taxi Driver..." in an infinite loop, the actress's speech at a Women in Entertainment event in December was not the definitive soft-outing Foster-watchers had long hoped for. At least not according to a recent interview with Parade, in which The Brave One suddenly grew very skittish when the questions poked too close to home:

People Cannot Stop Stalking Jodie Foster

Richard Lawson · 03/12/08 02:51PM

Poor Jodie Foster has another stalker. You may remember that the stern, mysterious actress had some problems back when she was a Yale student in the 80's. First John Hinckley Jr., a 23-year-old who became obsessed with Foster after seeing her littlest sexpot turn in Taxi Driver, followed her around campus, called her on the phone, and, you know, shot president Ronald Reagan and three others in an attempt to impress her.

Anderson Cooper "Inching Out" of Closet

Pareene · 02/28/08 01:54PM

Attached, the intro to a recent story on Anderson Cooper 360 about the hate-motivated murder of an openly gay teenager. You may also recall that last month, Cooper was nominated for an award from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation for a story he did on the plight of homeless gay teens. The difficulties and discrimination faced by gay youths is clearly a subject that Cooper feels strongly about, and his dedication to fighting it is to be admired (and not, as we maybe occasionally are guilty of, mocked). So some might ask why Cooper himself still isn't public about his own sexual orientation, which might lead to him becoming a role model to the millions of young people struggling with discrimination who don't read Gawker. But Cooper might be on his way out of the closet! Sort of!

Hollywood Screeches To Halt After Partner Thanked In Jodie Foster Acceptance Speech

seth · 12/06/07 04:00PM

Awarded with the Sherry Lansing Leadership Award at the 16th annual Women in Entertainment Breakfast Tuesday, Jodie Foster reportedly gave a moving speech, candidly telling the gathered crowd, "I've been working in this business for 42 years and there's no way you can do that and not be as nutty as a fruitcake." Among her many thank-yous, one got a reporter wondering if the veteran actress, so notoriously tight-lipped about her personal affairs and the significance of the "eternity ring" she never removes, had quietly come out to her working woman peers. From the LA Daily News:

Jodie Foster Is A "Gentleman"

Maggie · 12/06/07 01:50PM

"I always feel like something of an impostor," Jodie Foster said at this week's Hollywood Reporter 'Women in Entertainment Power 100' breakfast this week. Says the AP: "Foster characterized herself as a 'professional' and a 'gentleman.'" Really? What else, Clarice? "I don't know what I'm doing... I suppose that's my one little secret." Nonsense, my dear, surely you have more than just the one? "The one lesson is to try and be who you are and not try and be somebody else because you're never going to be very good at being somebody else." But Jodie, maybe if you just sat with us and went over it a few times, we could get it down pat? Great, thanks, you're the best!

American Moviegoers Embrace Jodie Foster's Vigilantism

mark · 09/17/07 10:51AM

Even though most domestic entertainment consumers chose to spend the entire weekend researching their Emmy pool picks, the multiplexes remained open, hoping to lure those fatigued from the demanding intellectual exercise with pleasant, air-conditioned places in which to take study breaks. These are the weekend numbers:

abalk · 09/17/07 08:20AM

Anyone who thinks that the age of subtlety has ended is clearly unfamiliar with the work of Matt Drudge. [Drudge Report]

On Forgiveness, Death Wishes, And Horny Grandparents

mark · 09/07/07 08:12PM

· Maybe we spoke too soon about Vanessa Hudgens' fans forgiving her for those nudie pics.
· Mercifully, new graphic-fucking-positive HBO drama Tell Me You Love Me will go easy on the septuagenarian ugly-bumping: "Explicit scenes of young, lithe bodies having it in many places and in all manners, including solo, are plentiful in the first few episodes. Yet when it comes to a white-haired, elderly couple, the camera looks away, sparing viewers the shock of seeing sagging bellies and wrinkled limbs in the throes of carnal bliss."
· Jodie Foster says that The Brave One is more than just Death Wish. It's Death Wish with a chick.
· Aliens are keeping an eye on the president.
· Tonight's your last chance to see the Golden Girls go wild.

mark · 08/24/07 11:23AM

Based on this surprising side-by-side, we think that overtanned High School Musical 2 Zac Efron's agent can probably get his client into the next project Jodie Foster passes on. However, Zac might need to work on the arms a little bit before taking a meeting. [The Hot Blog]

Jodie Foster Still Enjoying View From The Glass Closet

seth · 08/16/07 02:56PM

In a recent interview, The Brave One star Jodie "Without a Y" Foster was tenderly prodded by More magazine about her long-rumored, but never outwardly acknowledged, personal leanings. (If you're still in the dark as to what is we're talking about, perhaps Out's cover story "The Glass Closet," or her ranking as #43 on a list of Hollywood Power-Gays, can provide further insight.) After the reporter inquired about the shiny piece of hardware gracing her ring finger, Foster deflected the questions by instead discussing her symbol-laden dream life:

Jodie Foster Typo Crisis Averted!

mark · 06/01/07 07:55PM

· Ah, that's better. Now Jodie Foster's people can enjoy their weekend, knowing their client is special enough to Warner Bros. to finally have her name spelled correctly.
· We recommend that you watch the first few minutes of this video from the set of Iron Man because it's painfully obvious how little Robert Downey, Jr, usually ready to launch into a stream-of-consciousness digression the moment someone produces a recording device in his presence, doesn't want to talk to the poor kid from MTV. Also of interest: Favs seems to have slimmed down quite a bit, and is in fine directing shape.
· We recommend that you watch this video only if you're willing to wash your eyes in bleach at its conclusion. [via LA Rag Mag]
· Judd Apatow isn't thrilled with this "Mayor of Comedy" business. Besides, he makes way more money than a mayor these days.
· You know what never ceases to be a little weird, even though it's old news? The whole born-again Kirk Cameron deal.

Trade Round-Up: Another Little Piece Of Breslin's Childhood Slipping Away

mark · 04/02/07 02:59PM

· Former child actor Jodie Foster and current preteen It-Girl Abigail Breslin near deals to star in Nim's Island for Walden Media, where they will share touching moments on the set discussing the normal, healthy childhoods they could have had if they hadn't answered Hollywood's innocence-stealing siren call. [Variety]
· Feeling that online sweepstakes Gold Rush's trivia questions were too mentally taxing on contestants, AOL plans to just give away a million dollars to a lucky schmuck in its Million Dollar Bill program. [THR]
· Cavemen CastingWatch: Dash Mihok signs on to play the part of Geico-branded Neanderthal "Jamie"; that we couldn't pick him out of a lineup seems unimportant considering he'll be rendered unrecognizable by Cro Magnon prosthetics. [Variety]
· Susan Sarandon and John Goodman are in negotiations to play Emile Hirsch's parents in Speed Racer, the Wachowski Brothers adaptation of the classic anime series we're having a really hard time caring about. [THR]
· The LAT's parent Tribune company accepts a $8.2 billion bid by Chicago real estate mogul Sam Zell, unless Imagine superproducer Brian Grazer suddenly emerges to somehow spoil the deal. [Variety]

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Nicole Kidman And Keith Urban Politely Decline Drink Wristbands At The El Rey

seth · 02/23/07 03:56PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in. It's Oscars weekend—come on, there might be a semi-conscious star under your bed right now! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Bai Ling stumbling out of a swagwhore house looking like she just OD'd on freebies.

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Harrison Ford On The Diet Coke Wagon

seth · 11/01/06 06:28PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, which we try to post several times per week. So before attending to any other of your daily matters, be sure to type those babies out and send them in. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let the world know about the time you spotted Brooke Shields, barefoot and snookered in the Trader Vic's parking lot.

Gossip Roundup: Lohan Asked to OD Elsewhere

Jessica · 08/10/06 12:10PM

• Linday Lohan's late night party habits may get her kicked out of her LA "home," the Chateau Marmont. It's not that the hotel mind the ruckus — they just really want to avoid another Belushi incident. Take it to the Roosevelt, missy. [Page Six]
• As there really is no limit to Britney Spears' stupidity, she's rumored to be renewing her vows with K-Fed and giving him a black AmEx card. It's amazing this girl can wipe her own ass. Or maybe we shouldn't assume. [Scoop]
• Lloyd Grove copies bitchy Conde Nast cafeteria comment cards, makes column of them, goes back to sleep. [Lowdown]
• If you live in Jodie Foster's West Village building, don't ask her for a cup of milk or some sugar, because she'll be a bitch about it. [Page Six]
• Speaking of bitches, Kanye West was a real treat at Lollapalooza. [R&M]
• The wit and wisdom of Flavor Flav. [Us Weekly]
• Diddy hires a hot piece of Kwat as his new manager. [Page Six]