Poor Jodie Foster has another stalker. You may remember that the stern, mysterious actress had some problems back when she was a Yale student in the 80's. First John Hinckley Jr., a 23-year-old who became obsessed with Foster after seeing her littlest sexpot turn in Taxi Driver, followed her around campus, called her on the phone, and, you know, shot president Ronald Reagan and three others in an attempt to impress her.

Following that, another obsessed fellow began to lurk around the Yale campus, though eventually decided not to shoot her as originally planned, because she was too pretty. Now, years later, a man has been arrested for sending a bomb threat to a California airport. Reportedly the threatening letter mentioned Foster's name several times. The man had been sending strange missives to Foster's house for years, which he admitted to back in 2005, promising he would stop. But... I guess her allure is just too strong. What, exactly is the appeal? Anyone have any (non incriminating) light to shed on the matter? [ET] Below find some mildly disturbing footage of the failed Reagan assassination. Oh plus a very disturbing clip of a college production of Steven Sondheim's Assassins, a musical in which Squeaky Fromme and John Hinckley (among others) meet and sing about shooting presidents.