
Facebook Knows What Makes Women Miserable

Ryan Tate · 05/12/10 06:56PM

Here's one tangible upside to society's dysfunctional love affair with Facebook: The social network has so much information on people's moods and activities that it can now predict how you'll feel after you do something.

Gay Men and Straight Girls' Private Parts: A Peace Treaty

Maureen O'Connor · 05/12/10 12:03PM

Miley Cyrus gave a 44-year-old gay director a lap dance. Isaac Mizrahi grabbed Scarlett Johansson's boob. Gay men and straight girls: Keep stray hands, butts, and body parts to yourselves. Just because there's no sexual tension doesn't mean it's OK.

Laura Bush: Homo-Loving Abortionist

Richard Lawson · 05/12/10 10:12AM

Former First Lady Laura "American Wife" Bush was promoting her book on Larry King's basement radio program last night and confessed to supporting choice and, sheepishly, gay marriage. She disagreed with George on these points, but they never fought. Aw.

How Apple is Watering Down Fashion Spreads

Ryan Tate · 05/10/10 06:25PM

A British fashion magazine has reportedly dubbed its iPad issue "the Iran edition" due to the requirement to remove nipples and other body parts to get content on Apple's tablet computer. Call this the "Apple chilling effect."

Lady Gaga By the Numbers

Brian Moylan · 05/10/10 11:11AM

If you haven't seen this on Twitter already, here is an awesome chart someone made breaking down all the things Lady G lusts after in the lyrics for her song "Bad Romance." But how to explain "Roma-Romama?"

Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts: A Guide

Richard Lawson · 05/07/10 03:31PM

Sunday is Mother's Day, guys. Did you forget?? Well don't worry, you still have two more days to get something nice for the lady what made you. Here are our guaranteed-to-please gift ideas.

Jessica Simpson: Patron Celebrity of Bodily Functions

Maureen O'Connor · 05/06/10 03:46PM

There is a certain kind of child who always has sticky red popsicle slush dribbling down his chin. Everyone blames farts and lice outbreaks on him. How did ex-certified hottie Jessica Simpson become Hollywood's version of that kid?

Gossip Girl: Daddy Issues

Brian Moylan · 05/04/10 12:22PM

Like Hamlet and Maury, Gossip Girl is often about paternity. Is he my father? Is he not my father? Is my new dad poisoning my mother? Who's your daddy? So many important questions, so few DNA tests.

The 'Lindsay Lohan Has HIV' Twitter Scam That Fooled Everyone

Maureen O'Connor · 04/30/10 03:55PM

Three days ago, a widely-reported story emerged that Michael Lohan had posted to Twitter that Lindsay was HIV-positive. Michael said it was a hacker. Lindsay said it was her dad. Nobody realized that the hack itself was a fake.

Is Shelby Lynne People's Big Gay Reveal? (Update: Probably)

Maureen O'Connor · 04/30/10 01:32PM

We called country singer Shelby Lynne's publicist to ask whether her client will announce her gayness the cover of People on May 5. "I don't have any information on that." How can a publicist not know the answer to that?