
A Compendium of Unnecessary Lady Gaga Eccentricities

Adrian Chen · 05/30/10 01:47PM

Recently, Lady Gaga bought a ghost-hunting kit with which to perform a "spirit-sweep" of a venue. Oh, Jesus. Lady Gaga is so eccentric! We now present our definitive catalogue of her most unnecessary quirks.

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Welcome to Wedding Season

Phyllis Nefler · 05/30/10 11:53AM

Phyllis Nefler took a break from lounging by the pool issuing bon mots to the assembled C-list celebrities at her feet to score today's New York Times wedding announcements. It is Memorial Day weekend. Wedding season has begun in earnest.

The Gawker Guide to Summer Movies

Richard Lawson · 05/27/10 03:57PM

Sure, Iron Man 2 and other big-ticket adventures have already opened, but we here at Gawker are traditionalists. For us, summer begins on Memorial Day. So put on those white shoes (finally!) and let's look at this season's popcorn flicks.

A $20 Million Bid to Buy Perez Hilton

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/10 11:35AM

Gawker has learned that Avid Life Media, the owner of sites including and Ashley Madison, has partnered with two prominent gossip bloggers to put in a $20 million bid to acquire

Meet Steppin' Out, America's Trashiest Magazine

Maureen O'Connor · 05/14/10 11:47AM

This week Jersey nightlife magazine Steppin' Out features Michelle Bombshell in a Sicilian widow costume that came from a plastic bag at a Halloween store. This isn't even its best work. A walk down memory lane with America's trashiest publication.

Sarah Palin Challenges Anyone Not in Arizona to a Fight

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 10:12AM

Sarah Palin, America's squeakiest wheel, took a bold public stand against tolerance yesterday, berating a group of high school girls for refusing to patronize the Great White State of Arizona. Sarah Palin vows to fight anyone who disagrees with racism.