Attorney General Saves Virginia from Breasts

Yay Virginia! They love the Confederacy, and hate boobs. Well, they love boobs, just not official boobs. The state's easily grossed-out attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli, recently covered up a boob on the state seal in the name of "virtue."
See that's the goddess Virtue there on the state seal, putting an end to tyranny. And what's that there on the right? Well, it's a tit. A bare tit! That horrible, classical immodesty didn't sit right with Cucinelli. So when the delightfully insane fellow had some seal pins made up (not with taxpayer dollars!!!) for his staff, Lady Virtue got a full breastplate.

Cuccinelli issued a statement about his decision:
The seal on my pin is one of many seal variations that were used before a uniform version was created in 1930. I felt it was historic and would be something unique for my staff. My joke about Virtue being a little more virtuous in her more modest clothing was intended to get laughs from my employees — which it did! Just because we've always done something a certain way doesn't mean we always have to continue doing it that way. Now seriously, can we get on with real news?
Hah. "Just because we've always done something a certain way doesn't mean we always have to continue doing it that way," says the conservative who hates health care and gay people. Oh well. At least that horrible woman in the ancient picture isn't being indecent. Sigh. Makes you miss John Ashcroft almost, doesn't it?
Virginia is really emerging as a strong contender in the America's Nuttiest State contest. Watch out, Arizona!