Justin Bieber graced Ellen with his presence this afternoon, and—predictably—insanity ensued. From screeching girls, to Bieber's thoughts on Miley Cyrus, to talk of his hair, to a rap solo (really), it was quite a segment. Video highlights inside.

The girls, they are a-screamin'

If there's one thing you can count on when it comes to a talk show appearance (or any appearance, really) by Bieber, it's throngs of teenage girls embarrassing themselves with psychotic vocal outbursts.

So, like, Japan, like, is, like...

Here's a discussion between DeGeneres and Bieber about his love for Japan. Try to count how many times Bieber says, "like" in the span of 20 seconds.

Oh, Miley, his Miley?

So, what of those rumors that Bieber is dating Miley Cyrus? DeGeneres asked... a lot.

OMG, so, like, about your hair and stuff

How long does it take Bieber to perfect his coif? Let's find out. Also: the return of the screaming girls.

Bieber the rapper

Who knew that Bieber could rap? Or, at least, try to rap. Maybe this is what he'll have to do once his balls finally drop and he spends two years adjusting to his ~adult voice~, but I digress. Here's Bieber droppin' some beats during his performance of "Baby." Favorite line: "I used to tweet you, and text you, and call you, and hit you on Facebook all the time." (Runner-up: "Can't believe she did me wrong, we were on iChat all night long.")

[The Ellen DeGeneres Show]