
Media Bubble: We Assume 153 Writers Signed a Letter of Protest

Jesse · 08/12/05 12:55PM

• Target to be sole advertiser in Aug. 22 issue of The New Yorker. For that week, definitely, it's Targ . [NYT]
• American Media, publisher of Star and National Enquirer, won't pay sources, like rival OK! They'll only pay women with sex-harassment charges against Schwarzenegger. [LAT
• If big-city life in high school with money, then Jason Binn publishes the yearbooks, says Sexy Jon Fine, who notes that he's been in those yearbooks twice. [BusinessWeek]
• Magazine Publishers Association to distribute kits on "Magazine Speak" to help ad salesmen sell. How knowing what "dek," "TK," and "FOB" mean will help sell ads is beyond us, but, then, we're not ad salesmen. [Folio:]
• As we speak, MSNBC chief Rick Kaplan is ordering a window washer killed. [Jossip]

Binn-y Babies

Haber · 03/23/05 08:26AM

JUST ASKING... Which upcoming "release" is Gotham publisher Jason Binn more proud of:

How To Impress Jason Binn

Jessica · 02/24/05 07:24AM

LA Confidential magazine hosted a recent party for Academy Award nominee Jamie Foxx, during which publisher Jason Binn revealed one of his favorite Foxx memories:

What the [Expletive] Is Jason Binn?

Haber · 02/04/05 05:05PM

The Daily News has an item on an up-coming interview with former Condé Nast "Mr. Big" Ron Galotti that will be running in The Daily just in time for Fashion Week.

'Gotham' Internship Auction: And the Winner Is...

Haber · 01/27/05 05:17PM

A hearty congratulations to chris322fran, the winning bidder in the Gotham Magazine internship auction we've been following with the rapt attention of... something rapt and attentive.

Get'cher 'Gotham' Internships Here!

Haber · 01/20/05 03:37PM

Hey, Binnsters: Want to work for two whole weeks at Gotham, "the celebrated publication that brings together the best of the East Side, West Side, Uptown, and Downtown" and help some needy kids in the process?

Recycling Binn: Greg Lindsay Revisits His Johnson

Haber · 01/14/05 10:35AM

We don't know how we missed this for three whole days, but in this month's an online column for Business 2.0, freelance media gossipundicritic Greg Lindsay continues to play Boswell to lifelike luxury magazine publisher Jason Binn. As you may remember, these two crazy kids have met before, but in B2, their friendship has grown deeper, as has the analysis: