We don't know how we missed this for three whole days, but in this month's an online column for Business 2.0, freelance media gossipundicritic Greg Lindsay continues to play Boswell to lifelike luxury magazine publisher Jason Binn. As you may remember, these two crazy kids have met before, but in B2, their friendship has grown deeper, as has the analysis:

Applying the controlled-circulation model to conspicuous consumer magazines isn't a new idea, of course, but Binn has triumphed because of his ebullient omnipresence. He's everywhere, schmoozing everyone at every party or opening, his eyes darting over your shoulder as his staff passes out magazines to every A-, B-, and C-lister in sight. This delights his fans and annoys competitors to no end.

Jason Binn has fans? Do they have websites? Do they have a cute name for each other, like Binnsters? (And that's what 'omnipresence' means!)

Lastly, here's one of those lovely puffy quotes that we're going to print so it remains in Google's archives for future business writers to excavate. (Hey, future writers! What color's your hovercraft?) "[Luxury] turned into a $100 million category, and I'm convinced I'm getting the bulk of it. It's going to triple in a few years, and then it's not going to be about me anymore."

C'mon Binny man: It's always gonna be about you.
Binn There, Done That [Business 2.0]
Greg Lindsay: Freelance Writer [Gothamist]
Letter from the Publisher [Gotham Magazine]
Greg Lindsay And Jason Binn Torture Each Other