The Daily News has an item on an up-coming interview with former Condé Nast "Mr. Big" Ron Galotti that will be running in The Daily just in time for Fashion Week.

Galotti seems to know a thing or two about perfect sound-bites, to judge from this nugget about our favorite almost famous glossy publisher, Jason Binn:

"He's one smart, little [expletive] ... And Jason, by the time he's 40, will have $100 million in his pocket."

"Expletive"??? What the heck could Galotti have actually said? Some guesses: "smart, little turd-burglar"; "smart, little squirrel melt"; "smart, little pirate yam"; "smart, little fuck nostril."

We invite you to share your guesses.
Galotti unwinds again [NYDN]