
Lodwick's Muxtape mess

Nicholas Carlson · 04/08/08 03:00PM

Jakob Lodwick, the fired founder of Vimeo who's now dabbling in online music, rushed out an announcement of his involvement with Muxtape, an online mix-tapes startup — shortly after we started asking questions. But in his attempt to spoil our scoop, Lodwick may have put the payout he got from Vimeo's parent company, IAC, at risk. We're told that part of Lodwick's severance package included a fairly typical agreement to not poach any of his former Connected Venture colleagues for future projects. But with Muxtape, that's just what Lodwick's done.

Lodwick's latest flame pitches Muxtape for him

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 04:40PM

Meet Mareen Fischinger, a photographer from Düsseldorf, Germany, according to her Tumblr blog. "I don't know anything about her," a source tells us, "Just that Jakob [Lodwick] is [redacted] her." We have a little more to add to the scoop. Besides her obvious eye for photography, Fischinger shares her boyfriend's talent for pitching Muxtape without disclosing his relationship to the company.

Is Jakob Lodwick the moneyman behind Muxtape?

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 02:40PM

Jakob Lodwick now admits he's involved with Justin Ouellette's Muxtape. What the Connected Ventures cofounder, ousted from his job at the IAC-backed venture by Barry Diller, doesn't disclose: a financial stake in Ouellette's online mix-tapes project. We hear it's more than plausible Lodwick is an early investor in the startup. Lodwick has already shown a willingness to invest in projects he admires, such as David Karp's Tumblr. Before publicly disclosing his employ with Muxtape, we asked Lodwick to explain his connection to Muxtape. In an email, Lodwick changed the subject to fantasies of his personal life.

Julia Allison, The Movie

Ryan Tate · 04/02/08 09:23PM

It's either a belated April Fool's joke or a stroke of genius: College Humor-ists Sam Reich and Ricky Van Veen have just completed a script called "Jakob and Julia," at least according to a post on Reich's Tumblr. If you look closely at the photo of the script (reproduced after the jump), you can see it is addressed to "__???____ Agency" at a Beverly Hills, California zip code. This implies a screenplay (as opposed to a Broadway musical) about, of course, the doomed relationship between Star editor-at-large Julia Allison and Vimeo co-founder Jakob Lodwick. This raises so many questions: Real or fake? Movie or TV pilot? And, most critically, which Hollywood stars should play Julia and Jakob? Post your answers in the comments. After the jump, videographer Loren Feldman's December 2007 dramatization of the Julia-Jakob relationship. UPDATE: Plus a short email from Ricky Van Veen. Sounds like a joke.

Jakob Lodwick Thinks He's "Diluting" Mary Rambin's "Brand"

Sheila · 03/20/08 01:52PM

Total class: Vimeo founder Jakob Lodwick explains about "this girl Mary [Rambin]," the handbag designer-or-whatever and Julia Allison bestfriend (whose seventeen-year-old sister he shagged), revealing why he's named his moustache after her. It's because she said he "looked like an idiot" via a deleted blogpost... (She wasn't wrong, but later apologized.) "Since she's not currently well-known, if my readers later hear her name in a legitimate context, they'll think of my moustache. I'm diluting her name and her brand..."

Mark Zuckerberg In The Presence

Nick Denton · 03/12/08 03:16PM

Admit it: Julia Allison is irrepressible. The Star magazine talking head abandoned her personal blog because it was ruining her life; and broke up with her webtard boyfriend, Jakob Lodwick, because he slept with her "adopted" little sister and was crushed commercially by Youtube. But she's merely moved up the internet food chain. On photo sharing service Flickr, Allison shows her act is still fresh outside New York. Here, at the SXSW conference in Austin, Texas, she pushes out her chest into friending distance of the alpha geek of the moment, Mark Zuckerberg. Coincidentally, the Facebook founder was recently named by Forbes as the world's youngest billionaire.

We Are All Jakob Lodwick Now

Nick Douglas · 03/07/08 07:19PM

Jakob Lodwick has a black roommate! And a surprisingly funny post on the fake Nick Denton blog calls him out on how he might passive-aggressively promote this fact. In that post the fictional version of Gawker's publisher talks to the fictional version of Julia Allison's ex about cultivating smugness. But acting high and mighty just for having black friends and not drinking bottled water isn't just Jakob's beat; it's how all of us act. "All of us" means those of us who care enough about the world to blog.

It's no use, Kevin — Julia knows you have to come down eventually

Nicholas Carlson · 03/06/08 12:40PM

A tipster sends us this shot of Digg founder Kevin Rose clambering up a palm tree during the Future of Web Apps conference. You know, the one in Miami, where quasi-professional geek paramour Julia Allison drank his milkshake. Allison is beautiful, and if bright lights are your thing, plausibly charming. So why would Kevin flee? Maybe like Allison's last beau, he doesn't want to shell out for a MacBook Air, either. Leaked emails on that whole mess, below.

Jakob Lodwick gets it for free

Melissa Gira Grant · 02/27/08 05:00PM

My escort friend is actually going on a date tonight with Libertarian libertine Jakob Lodwick — for free. (Lodwick is in town from New York working on his music startup Normative.) The only way my gal pal's dubious value proposition with Lodwick makes sense is the geek cred she'll gain from being paired with him. Lady, why not just pay Jakob to say he went out with you? That seems easier.

Jakob Lodwick Officially Goes Insane

Nick Douglas · 02/26/08 08:31PM

Jakob Lodwick's back from blogging! The recently fired founder of Vimeo and ex-boyfriend of Star editor-at-large Julia Allison says he'll no longer hand loaded guns to thugs, which apparently means fewer topless self-portraits and embarrassing self-revelations, and more news about his startup. It's called Normative and, since starting really pretty web sites is Jakob's talent (which is the only reason I pay attention to him), it will probably be interesting if utterly unprofitable. Also, he's going to end all government involvement in the private sector! And he's starting a third blog just to list the things that he, Jakob, likes. So here's a quick guide to Jakob's three blogs:

Jakob Lodwick invades Bay Area; hide your women, venture capitalists

Mary Jane Irwin · 02/26/08 08:00PM

Jakob Lodwick is back in the Bay Area, kicking it at his cousin's San Francisco-based startup. The only thing slightly more terrifying than the prospect of one of our local girls becoming his new softcore pinup is the notion that Lodwick might end his blogging strike. Oh wait, he has — three times over. Lodwick, unemployed after getting fired from Connected Venture by Barry Diller, lasted 20 days without blogging. Alongside our daily dose of Jakob Lodwick, he'll expose us to stuff he likes, and apparently work on a political manifesto dubbed The Invisible Fist in which he'll attempt to destroy capitalism as we know it. Good luck on Sand Hill Road, Jakob.

"You're going to get burned"

Nick Denton · 02/13/08 05:31PM

As you know, Julia Allison, the Time Out dating columnist, is providing free advice at the Dunkin' Donuts Toast Tent in Herald Square. (Hurry!) For a young student-reporter she dispensed the following wisdom: "What goes around comes around! If you know, you're going to write down, say stuff about people, you... and you choose to write about your relationship publicly. You're going to get burned. I think it's in general a horrible idea. Aside from changing our Facebook status from single to attached, that is just about as far as you should go." (Click the thumb for the scratchy audio. Yes, the student-reporter was a Gawker spy.) The compulsive fameball forgot to mention that she knows the perils of self-publishing from personal experience. By blogging every turn of her relationship with College Humor's Jakob Lodwick, including a mention of his bipolar condition, Allison complains she's scared off her last three suitors. And it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. CLIP »

Manhattan Media Clusterfuck

Nick Denton · 02/12/08 11:46AM

Who needs Gossip Girl? Manhattan's real-life dramas are so much more intricate, petty, and intertwined. Publicity whore Julia used to date Jake, Barry's former toyboy, who was bipolar, which might explain why he dated jailbait Leven, who was friends with Britney's younger sister, who's pregnant. Leven now sees Hud, though he once shared a bed with perfume promoter Alan, who's married (to a man!); Hud looks increasingly like his former boss, Lloyd, who introduced him to Julia when the dating columnist and TV commentator moved to New York. Bad move: Julia published a photo of him in a red scarf, looking Lloyd-like, and now Hud's pissed: he yelled at her at the Beatrice, even though pretty-boy Fabian and Chloë were there. (Wasn't she in some movies?) Sooo embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as Julia totally stealing Chloë's red dress (not nearly as nice as the ones designed by Barry's beard, Diane) for Valentine's Day. Or when Emily, Julia's new best friend, hinted that Josh was a premature ejaculator; he certainly got revenge. CLICK FOR CHART »

50,000 people actually sad to see Lodwick go

Nicholas Carlson · 02/06/08 04:00PM

Proving that he is little more than the East Coast's answer to Robert Scoble, Jakob Lodwick quit blogging yesterday. The fired Connected Ventures cofounder blogged his departure from blogging on his blog. "With over 1,700 posts," he writes, "I've seen my identity shift into a weird sort of public figure, which is rewarding. But I admitted to myself tonight that it's become stressful, and I need to take a break and reevaluate my relationship with the Web." According to Compete.com, Lodwick leaves 50,000 loyal readers behind. They'll miss him. So will we. Until he inevitably unquits, that is.

Jakob Lodwick's Panty Raid

Sheila · 02/05/08 04:35PM

Just in time for Valentine's Day, Jakob Lodwick—New York's eligible-ish bachelor, web boy, and "burgeoning music entrepreneur"—tells us his "new favorite website." It's called Knicker Picker, the "online dressing room." You simply select a panty model, and dress her up (or down) in whatever lingerie you choose! You can have her "turn around" or "come closer," and she'll oblige without so much as a peep. Which is so perfect, really.

All Objectivists should be forced to keep blogs

Nicholas Carlson · 02/04/08 12:00PM

You've probably seen that Bill Gates wants the world to embrace a kinder form of capitalism. But have you seen fired Connected Ventures cofounder and "burgeoning music entrepreneur" Jakob Lodwick's rebuttal? It's Objectivism in all its glory! Lodwick tells Gates to stop justifying capitalism by saying it serves to better others.

'Little Sister' Steals Boyfriend, Then Limelight

Nick Denton · 02/01/08 05:38PM

First Leven Rambin, the 17-year-old actress from the daytime soap, All My Children, hooks up with Julia Allison's boyfriend, the magnetic but possibly bipolar Jakob Lodwick. And Allison, Star Magazine's designated talking head on subjects such as premature celebrity death, had regarded Leven as her "adopted little sister". What could be possibly be more cruel than that? Blonde Leven (right) was much photographed at last night's premiere party for doomed TV show, Lipstick Jungle. (One pap agency reckons she's the next in a line for stardom, and degradation, behind Britney, Paris and Lindsay.) Paparazzi? Call Julia Allison! The attention-seeking former dating columnist, seen here on the left, would have been there in a flash. Stealing her boyfriend? Forgiven. Now let's pout for the cameras in an incestuolesbian pose. Except, as several party-goers noticed, Allison was out of the frame. Seems her former protege's publicist kept them apart. Association with Allison, after the hookup triangle became public, is now bad for Leven's image.

Jakob Lodwick claims he'll behave like a normal human being. Right.

Mary Jane Irwin · 01/31/08 08:00PM

Wacky entrepreneur-turned-egoblogger Jakob Lodwick has vowed that from here onward, he'll reveal "less, not more" about his life online. A wise move that would prevent him from, say, deleting entire blog entries as soon as they're reported on. Buried deep within his Normative nonexplainer is his new philosophy of revealing "a morsel" rather than his whole "lunch" because he's learned some sort of lesson. The real reason? Without Julia Allison, he's just not that interesting.