
30 Rock: I Dream of Kenneth

Matt Toder · 03/26/10 01:07PM

On last night's 30 Rock, due to a typical sitcom MacGuffin, Kenneth entered Tracy and Jenna's consciousness causing the two to dream of him. Tracy's dream is bad, but Jenna's is the true nightmare.

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jack McBrayer

STV · 01/12/09 02:35PM

1/11 — While eating at the Alcove, I saw JACK MCBRAYER, Kenneth from 30 Rock, walk past me. I just wanted to give him a hug. [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to tips@defamer.com.]

Kenneth From 30 Rock Hotter In Real Life, Just As Southern

Ryan Tate · 11/06/08 08:29AM

One can't help but wonder if Jack McBrayer's character on 30 Rock, Kenneth the page, didn't provide some small amount of inspiration for that Malcolm Gladwell New Yorker article this week on the advantages of being an underprivileged outsider. The hardworking "country boys" once favored by New York merchants went on to run Goldman Sachs and so forth, Gladwell writes, and 30 Rock's fictional GE executive, Jack Donaghy, was similarly optimistic about Kenneth: "In five years, we'll all either be working for him … or be dead by his hand." Salon's Sarah Hepola makes the case in her Q&A with McBrayer that the actor is the midst of an unlikely ascent of his own as 30 Rock's breakout star:

30 Rock's Page Picks Up Pad on UWS

cityfile · 08/18/08 09:00AM
  • Comedian Jack McBrayer, best known as NBC page Kenneth Parcell on 30 Rock, paid $1.374 million for a one-bedroom apartment at 200 West End Avenue, the new luxury condo development by architected Costas Kondylis. [Cityfile]

Kenneth the Page: Good Acting or Just Jack McBrayer?

Paula Dixon · 04/07/08 03:00PM

With the return of NBC's 30 Rock only four (loooooong) days away, the New York Times has published a feature interview with one of the show's stars, Jack McBrayer. And we're pretty sure his comment about the underwear he was required to don, for the upcoming Forgetting Sarah Marshall, marks the first time the illustrious NYT has ever run the sentence, "They are not flattering on nobody." But that's the sort of thing that happens when a true country boy makes it big.

And The Award For Cutest New Non-Couple In Universe Goes To: Amy Adams and Kenneth The Page

Molly Friedman · 03/04/08 12:00PM

On Sunday night in New York, paps caught redheaded star Amy "No, I'm Not Isla Fisher" Adams leaving the romantic West Village hotspot Paris Commune with someone that we initially thought might have been her little brother visiting from out of town. But then we caught a glimpse of that infamous ear-to-ear grin that 30 Rock's Jack McBrayer has won the world's love with, and couldn't help but embarrassingly reflect it ourselves. Exiting arm in arm, and judging by Jack's toothier-than-ever mug, the duo couldn't look more adorable. But! Pictures after the jump sadly ruin our plans to send a cappuccino machine to the NBC set...

Mariah Carey and Kenneth The Page: Hottest New Unicorn-Wrangling Couple

Molly Friedman · 02/29/08 07:58PM

Okay, we have officially forgiven Mariah Carey for Glitter, for two reasons. 1) She's such a hardcore 30 Rock fan that she asked Kenneth the Page to co-star in her new music video, and 2) Mimz is lookin' fine these days. Possibly the best she's ever looked. In this video for her new single, "Touch My Body," Kenneth (aka Jack McBrayer) plays a "compunerd" who shows up at Mariah's manse to fix technical issues with her 'puter, but winds up romping around wearing a Middle Ages fighting crown in her fluffy bed playing pillow fight. Our favorite moment? Kenneth's dead-on impression of Mariah's legendary falsetto singing skills in the first 30 seconds. Well that, and the sight of him walking an actual unicorn down a dark alley while wearing a regal robe. Well that, and and a mod scene in which Mimz and Kenny faux-shoot each other with guns. On second thought, scratch all that; every moment is classic.