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On Sunday night in New York, paps caught redheaded star Amy "No, I'm Not Isla Fisher" Adams leaving the romantic West Village hotspot Paris Commune with someone that we initially thought might have been her little brother visiting from out of town. But then we caught a glimpse of that infamous ear-to-ear grin that 30 Rock's Jack McBrayer has won the world's love with, and couldn't help but embarrassingly reflect it ourselves. Exiting arm in arm, and judging by Jack's toothier-than-ever mug, the duo couldn't look more adorable. But! Pictures after the jump sadly ruin our plans to send a cappuccino machine to the NBC set...

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As this second picture reveals, both of Amy's cute little arms were preoccupied. So who's the second mystery date? Unfortunately for our boy Kenneth, he's a little-known actor named Darren LeGallo, who Amy has been dating since 2006. Cue the violins. But hey, maybe our boy Jack still has a shot at scoring with the Newly Improved Mariah Carey, following their flirty bedroom scenes in her latest video? Not quite as cute (a bit stomach-turning, actually), but we get the feeling that boy could do with a little bit of Mimi Love.

[Photo Credit: Splash News]